A Plot Twist

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Lloyd's POV:

I walk off the platform and head to the headquarters. I opened the door.

"You look well, Harumi.." I said. Harumi turned around and smiled.

"Indeed, you did stab me real hard. But that is what makes it count for the ninja to believe that I betrayed you.. right?" She said. I nodded my head and walked towards her. Bandages wrapped around her stomach.

"You watched the fight, right?" I said. Harumi nodded. "I see."

"Lord Oni, what are you going to do for the next round. The ninja have already preceded." Harumi questioned, worried.
I laughed.

"Don't worry, I have chosen one of the ninja that is going to face their fears. I know what they are afraid of. If you have known them for most of your life, they'll slowly reveal it." I said passionately. Harumi looked at me. She grabbed my hand carefully.

"My lord, you also have to face your fears one day." She said seriously. I look away. It was true of what she said. My actions for the future could add consequences. But I am ready for that. Am I? I thought to myself.

"My fears aren't that damaging now. My latest fear was becoming like my father. I am already on the progress in becoming a replica of him, but stronger and more mature." I looked at Harumi. She had let go of my hand.

"I hope for the best." She said as she hugged me. My advisor. Harumi is very supportive. How unusual.

Kai's POV:

We were back in our jail cells. This routine has only been going on for two days, but I'm so tired already. After the  match between me and Nya, I have been thinking of what will happen next. Is Lloyd going to summon some demonic demons to kill us or destroy Ninjago City . Like all the rest of the villains we fought. No, it's unlikely..

Lloyd is very smart when it comes to playing games or pranks. Maybe that's why I fell in love with him in the first place. I immediately blushed. What the hell! Why did that come in mind, but what he did to Skylar was unacceptable. I haven't let go of him yet. I'm still blindly in love with him.

"Uh, Kai, is that you? If it is, I can hear you squealing."Cole said.

"No." I lied and covered myself in embarrassment even though no one could see me. The door opened. Lloyd walked in.

He shot a gaze to all of us ninjas in a sharp way.

"Tommorow you ninja will be completing a special round. I can't tell you, but I wish you the best of luck. More information will be told tomorrow. Now gets some rest, as there will be losers and winners." Lloyd said quickly.

He turned his back and left the room.

Losers and winners? Lloyd really knows how to mess with my mind..

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