The Reveal For The Unknown

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Kai's POV:

We've been waiting here for so long, can't it just end already. I want to go play my video games and beat Jay's high score again. Just then. The door opened. All of us dashed us looking to see who it is.

Harumi was there but someone else as well. They were wearing a cloak on them. That reminds me, I met a person wearing a cloak before, right? Oh yeah, at the cafe. He kicked me in the sacks.

"You're finally back Harumi, how did you handle that fight?" Skylar said.

"It worked out just fine. How was your escape?" Harumi said. This made Skylar shut up. Well, she should know not to talk and then not answer next. I saw Harumi let go of the person. Next thing, they lifted the cloak and revealed themselve.

Blonde hair strands fell down as emerald eyes flattered open.. it can't be.
It was Lloyd..

"Lloyd!" Everyone yelled, shockling. "You are the master mind behind this, unbelievable!" Cole laughed hysterically. I saw Lloyd squint his eyes and smile.

"Well, yes, and it seems to be that you have fallen for my trap." Cole went silent. He couldn't argue back. For one thing, it was true. He was trapped.

"Harumi, my advisor. Can I have a moment with them?"Lloyd said.

"Of course," Harumi quickly left and made sure to lock the doors.

"Hello everyone, how has it been. It's been a while." He said. Nobody answered. "Oh, that's quite rude."

"Yeah, ever since you blasted a power ball at me and kicked my nuts real hard." Everyone looked at me awkwardly.

"Have you met him!" Nya said.

"YES, when I was at the cafe, but I didn't know it was Lloyd. He was wearing a cloak." I continued.

Lloyd's POV:

The room began to fill with chatter. They are so loud, they haven't changed one bit. I summoned an energy ball, and I hated using them because the power was good, but in this situation. It annoyed me. I blasted it towards the cage, shaking it up and down.

"AHHH." I could hear Jay scream.

Kai's POV:

After what just happened, Jay started sulking and started acting weird.

" If you want me to die, at least let me die with decent people!" Jay yelled. It seems that he is going crazy. Lloyd just watched us break apart. He kept laughing now and then, but I knew it wasn't good laughs..

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