Knife Versus Fire

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Kai's POV:

"Ah, that's finally done." I said as I put all the materials I grabbed away. My room was still clean. Is God on my side today?

The flowers were nicely watered to the exact amount and were not drenched as I imagined. This could be handy in the future. Just then, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Harumi.

"What are you doing Kai, you've been really loud." She said while leaning against the door frame. I scratch my neck nervously.

"Just cleaning my room, that's all." Harumi didn't look convinced. She opened the door widely and entered.
She analysed the room for anything unusual.

"I thought you were lying." She said. She was about to walk out of the room until she looked at the top of my closet.

"When did you have flowers, Kai?" She asked."Is that why you asked me that question earlier in the day?" She noticed.

"Yeah, I brought them today." I said, Harumi stared at me blankly.

"It's for Lloyd, right?" My eyes widened. How did she know? "I can tell by your body language, and I know you haven't let go of Lloyd. But really, Kai, you're going to make your life harder." She then stormed out of the room. Here she goes again, talking about letting Lloyd go.

She will never let that go. I wonder why she told me that,maybe because I'm in his way? Perhaps, but I'm just guessing at the moment.

Later on today, Nya and the rest of them came back from the MEGA Monster Amusement Park. The bounty was now lively because Jay and Cole were playing video games and arguing.

"Kai, come with me." I turn around to see Harumi poking my back. I followed behind her. We entered the inside training room, and she closed the door. I waited for her to talk, but she walked closer to me and went silent.

"You should really let go of him." I look at her confusily, I was about to say something until she swayed a knife towards me. Cutting my cheek. I wipe the blood.

"I know that you know im been working with Lloyd still. Of course, I'm a traitor." She said, Harumi ran towards me and kept slashing the knife. I jumped far enough and summoned a fire ball, I threw it to her chest, making her hit the wall. She quickly got up, but i was quicker. I ran towards her, shooting a fire ball. She grabbed her knife and blocked it.

We both ran out of breath. It's not too late to change your mind. She charged towards me with the knife. I dodged her, and the training equipment broke in half. I need to end this. I charged a fire ball at her, and she fell down. I grabbed a nearby rope and tied her up. I sigh. That took long enough. I hear the door open..

"Kai, are you alright? There was a lot of nois-" The rest of the ninja screamed.

"Glad you're here. Let's go take Harumi to Kryptarium Prison. I walk out the door..

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