Trapped In A Birds Cage

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Lloyd's POV:

Harumi did it. I stared at the ninjas that were unconscious in front of me. They will wake up sooner or later. I better be going. As I turn around, I see Harumi and the entrance.

"Hello, Harumi."

"Hello, my Lord." She replied. I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Well done, maybe you could be my advisor?" I ask. She looked at me, shocked.

"Really! I'll try my best. Thank you." She smiled. I walked out of the headquarters.

Harumi's POV:

Lord Oni said I could be his advisor. It is my dream to work for someone with such power. I quickly ran out of the headquarters. This is what I need...

I walked back into the headquarters, and I saw the ninja have awoke. It seems they are having a little argument. It would be delightful to watch.

"I just don't like her!" I hear Skylar say.

"You shouldn't." I say as I walk in front of them with my hands behind my back.
They all looked down at me.

"Harumi! What are you doing down there and t-that outfit. Don't tell you did this to us!" Kai yelled.

"Oh, me?, yes, it was me that originally planned this, but I am not the Master Mind behind this."

"Harumi, we know you're good and not evil. We're friends, right? We saved you. Let us out." Cole desperately said. I pretended to look confused. I took the keys out of my pockets and showed them.

"The key?" I looked at it. "There is no such thing as a key." I smiled than threw it in the water below the cage.

"H-hey! You could've helped us!" Kai said, looking down in the water.

"Oops, my bad," I smirked.

"If you're not the Master Mind, then who is?" Zane said.

"Glad you asked, but sorry, robot. They're not here at the moment." I said.
Zane looked offended. Time passed for a while. The ninjas were still awake and kept trying to figure a way out, but they were loud, and I could hear everything they said.

I then heard some of my men walk in.

"Harumi, there is a fight happening at the throne room!" I stared in disbelief. A fight, really? I went to look at the ninjas.

"What a shame that I can't babysit you any longer, but when I come back, I hope to find you out of that cage." I sarcastically smiled and left.

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