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Danielle was the most confident person at school. Mostly known for her "sunny" and kind personality.
Y/n had recently been expelled at their previous school and transferred into Dani's.

Danielle's POV
After walking to school with my friends Minji, Hanni, Haerin and Hyein, we all parted ways as usual when making our ways to our classes.

I sat myself down in my seat when I saw someone unusual come in and sit down.

"Are they new? I haven't seen them before," I thought to myself.

When class began I listened as the teacher called them up introduced us to the new student.

"Everybody welcome Y/n as our new student, treat them no different to how you treat each other, with respect and kindness."

Y/n and I locked eyes for a moment before they bowed and sat back down and the lesson continued like normal.

When lunch came by, I was in the hallway when I saw Y/n getting picked on by the school jerks, Hyuk and Jaewook.

"Why don't you talk?" Hyuk laughed.

"Come on, are you mute or something?" Joined Jaewook as they shoved him into the ground.

I decided not to do anything about it for now, as I didn't want to get involved with people like them plus I didn't know Y/n.

I got to the cafeteria and sat down with my friends and we ate together as usual.

"Did you guys see the new student?" Asked Minji.

"I think I saw them around, but I didn't think anything of it." Said Hyein.

"I know them, They're in our class! But we haven't spoken yet," I added.

"I think they're quite cute though, don't you guys think?" Said Hanni.

Haerin didn't say anything.

I thought back to when our eyes met one another and my heart became all warm and fuzzy.

"Dani? You okay?" Said Hanni.

"Yeah everything's fine." I said and I continued eating my lunch.

Y/n's POV
I was on my way to the cafeteria when two guys stopped me.

"Where you headed? You look new." Said person number 1.

I ignored him.

"Are you deaf?" Said person number 2, chuckling to person 1.

I just tried my best to ignore them and keep walking until they put their hands on me.

"I don't think you know who we are." Person 1 said, holding me back.

"I'm Hyuk and this over here is Jaewook. We're your new owners."

"Owners? Who does this guy think he is?" I thought to myself.

"Now go get lunch for us, Beethoven!" Jaewook said, pushing me over.

I had no choice but to give into their orders for a day.

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