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Y/n's POV
What the hell was Cheol doing? Pushing Danielle down like that? Has he gone crazy?

I swung, but he dodged and kicked me in my stomach. I dropped to my knees.

What the fuck? Cheol spiralled down as a person, and it shifted his fighting ability onto a different level?

I got back up, there was no way I was going to beat him.

I tried to tackle him as a last resort, and he caught me by the throat, pushed me back, and unleashed a flurry of hits all over my body.

I yelled loudly in frustration, getting up again and kicking him in the face.

Cheol then knocked me into the ground. My body rested on the ground, completely fatigued.

He slowly walked over and punched me in the face several times until the girls stopped him.

"Cheol! Stop it please!! That's enough now!" Danielle begged, as they all worked together restraining him.

"Let go." He said.

"Please! We won't bother you again just let Y/n go!" Danielle continued.

"Don't worry about me Dani," I thought to myself, staring at the sky, "Just get out of here."

"We're begging you!" Hanni pleaded.

He calmed down and eased everyone off of him.

"Let's leave, guys," Minji said as she helped me up. "I don't know whether I should feel sorry or disappointed for you, Cheol."

We all started walking away, leaving Cheol behind.

After walking for a while, we sat down at our hangout spot.

"What do we do now?" Hanni asked. "Without Cheol, school is going to be hell!"

"Don't you guys feel bad at all for Cheol?" Hyein said. "He just wanted to be left alone, but we kept chasing him,"

"Whatever, let's just get back to school and pray nothing bad happens," Minji said.

When they had entered class for the first time in ages, I could tell by the looks on their faces they were shocked on how much had changed.

There were students being used and picked on in the hallways, and someone was always getting beaten up in classrooms.

I saw Minji clench her fists in anger.

When we sat down, someone approached me.

"Oh my.. what's this?" Soobin laughed. "Yah, Y/n got beat up!"

"Guess we don't have to anymore," Hyuk said. I completely forgot about that prick.

"Looks like your friends have returned! Hey NewJeans!" Soobin said waving.

Soobin then proceeded to get all close to Danielle, holding her chin.

"You're pretty, want to go out with me? I promise I'll stop beating Y/n and your friends up." He said.

Danielle frowned and looked away in discomfort.

"Leave her alone," I stood up.

Soobin looked me up and down.

"What's this? Are you resisting? Hm?" He said, slowly slapping my face.

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