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Narrator (1 week later)
NewJeans returned to their original dorm building, and things were heated. Now that Cheol wasn't there, the organization attacked more often, but Minji and Y/n constructed plans.

"Well that's too bad, move on!" Y/n yelled, sticking close to Haerin.

They all got into another argument after scaring off some more soldiers. Danielle was sick of it.

"Stop! Stop arguing!" Hyein begged.

"Haerin just uses you as a replacement anyways!" Danielle pouted.

"What, mad cause you can't be with her? Or mad cause you can't be with Cheol? Or me?!" Y/n shouted.

"You are so lucky Cheol isn't here, you would be humbled so quickly!!" Danielle shrieked.

Danielle was just hurting. The one time she decided to step up and make a move, it ruined things.

"Do I need popcorn?" Hanni said.

At the hospital...

Cheol's POV
A sharp pain strikes from the waist down the moment I wake up. I remember what happened. Huening Kai, that dirty asshole.

I feel so fatigued, I just wanna go back to sleep.

I look at the door as it slides open and Minji walks in.

"Hey," she said softly. "You're awake."

"Where's Haerin? And Kai?" I mumbled.

"Don't worry, they've been taken care of." Minji assured.

"What? How long have I been out for?" I ask.

"One week. You haven't missed much." Minji said.

"That's good then." I said, closing my eyes and drifting away.

"Sleep tight," she said, tucking me in and kissing me on the cheek. I assume it was just a sisterly thing.

For the next few days, I slip in and slip out constantly. My brain was telling me to rest, but my body was telling me to get up, and each time, I was met with different things.

Minji took care of me everyday. She would feed me, clean my face, change my bandages, and talked to me until I fell asleep. We talked a lot about movies and how things were going back at home without me. We shared the same interests for movies and shows.

"Cheol." She said. "I think it's time for me to tell you this."

"Hm?" I answer, sitting up.

"Haerin and Y/n are together again. I thought I'd tell you when you were slightly better." She said. "There's a lot of fighting in more ways than one when I'm not there."

"Oh." My heart dropped. Was my presence the only reason they wouldn't fight?

"It's alright though, it always works out between us." She reassured. "Good night. I love you."

She kissed me on the cheek and turned off the lamp.

"Loves me like a brother.. right?" I thought to myself. "aaaagh that Kim Minji."

Minji's POV
I stand outside the room, thinking to myself.

I don't think I should've done that. It felt so wrong. That was my first time saying something like that to him. But what if he takes it the wrong way? What if he thinks I meant it in a friendly way?

Because I don't. I actually like him. It's becoming more and more difficult to hold myself back every time we see each other. I'm going crazy for him, it needs to stop before it escalates.

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