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NewJeans had regained Cheol, and they were able to continue all activity now.

Cheol woke up in bed with Danielle still tightly locked onto him. It felt all steamy from the amount of time she'd been there.

"Yah, get off me." He said.

Danielle woke up, and realised what position she was in, and sprung off of him.

"Oh my god!! I'm so sorry! What did I do?" She apologised.

"Don't worry about it, we didn't do anything intimate." Cheol assured.

Danielle looked away and buried her face in her pillow, all red just by thinking of it.

Haerin's POV
I woke up to Cheol and Danielle talking, I didn't get up, I stayed quiet to see hear was going on.

Those two were getting uncomfortably close, and it bothered me for some reason.

Cheol left to go take a shower, and we all got up at the same time. Turns out everyone was awake the whole time, just listening.

"My head hurts.." Hanni said. "Danielle you little troublemaker, how could you do that with Cheol?"

"Hanni, I may not remember everything, but I do remember that you tongued him, talked smack to Haerin, and left." Minji said.

"All three of you fought over Cheol, alright?" Y/n said.

"Oh god.. what have I done?" Minji said.

"We all did wrong.. let's all apologise to Haerin," Hanni said.

"Uhh.. Haerin is with Y/n now, so there's no need for that." Minji said.

"What? How much did I miss?" Hanni said. "Whatever, get up guys, we're going somewhere fun today."

We all waited to use the shower, I stood and waited outside the bathroom for Cheolie to finish.

The door opened, and Cheolie walked out. I was going to say something to him, but he walked right past me, like I wasn't there.

"Shower's available for whoever's going next." He said in the other room.

"Haerin's there, isn't she?" Danielle said. "We'll wait for her."

After everyone finished getting ready, the staff had planned for us to film a Jeans' ZINE and host another phoning live later on.

"You're really gonna wear that?" Y/n said. "You're a bodyguard."

"Oh, yeah. But what do I wear then?" Cheolie asked.

"Here, put this on." Minji said, handing him a suit.

"Really?" Cheolie complained.

"No complaints, change." Minji said, as we left him in the room.

When he walked out, I saw Danielle's jaw drop to the floor. I couldn't blame her either.

He was out of that scruffy uniform, and he looked so good in the bodyguard suit. I don't know who looked hotter, Y/n or Cheolie?

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Have I put it on wrong?" Cheolie asked.

"Not at all!! Keep it just like that, let's go!" Danielle said, holding him by the arm as we made our way to the car.

I can't deny that I was a little jealous.

When we got to the studio, there were already people waiting for us outside.

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