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Minji treats Y/n with some ice packs back at home after the fight.

"Ow," Y/n grunted. "If that fight lasted any longer, I'm sure I would've lost."

"It's alright," Minji said. "Who knew the boss himself would attack us."


"Haerin, we have to wake up," Cheol said softly.

Minji's lecture kept echoing in his head.

"Sure, I liked you, but thinking I was better for you than Haerin is delusional."

Haerin and Cheol never fought or anything, but that might just be what they need...

Haerin was locked onto his body, refusing to let go. She tightened her grasp.

"Ah- OW!" Cheol groaned loudly. "You're pressing against my wound!"

"Huh? SORRY!" Haerin apologised, letting go and springing upwards.

"It's okay," Cheol replied calmly. "Go get ready."

Cheol had his hand on his wound, like he was waiting for it to stop hurting, and stayed in bed.

Haerin's POV

I walk to the bathroom and start getting ready. I look down and notice a tiny bit of blood on my knee. The spot where it was touching Cheolie's wound.

I swore I'd never hurt him again. But here I am.

I washed the blood off of my knee, and finish up and return to the bedroom.

I walk into Cheolie trying to crawl to his wheelchair.

"Cheolie!" I exclaimed, coming to his aid. "Why are you trying to do that on your own?"

"It's all good," he said. "Didn't wanna bother you, that's all."

I wheel him into the bathroom, and when he finished brushing his teeth, I helped him wash his face.

"I can do that by myself, y'know." He said, looking away.

The plan for today was that we were all going to go to an amusement park.

We all met up outside Minji's house, and we didn't need to take public transport this time now that we had personal drivers.

Eunchae shoots me an awkward look. I can't blame her though.

"How are we gonna do this? There's nine of us." Eunchae said. "Bangchan couldn't make it, he's gone to do his wrestling thing by the way."

Me and the girls just shared a smug look as a massive car pulled up.

"That's how we're going to do this." Minji smirked.

"Okayyy, I see you, NewJeans!" Chaewon said.

We all climbed into the car, with Y/n and Minji at the front, Chaewon, Eunchae, Danielle and Hyein in the middle, and Me, Cheolie and Hanni at the back.

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