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Yeonjun was getting punished for letting Cheol slip. They beat him up and he kneeled down in front of the Boss.

"Please don't kill me, sir. I WANT TO LIVE!" He cried.

"Choi Yeonjun, I'm giving you a chance to redeem yourself. By whatever means necessary, bring Kim Cheol back, or we'll kill you." Boss said, pointing a knife at Yeonjun.

"Y-yes sir!" Yeonjun said.

Cheol's POV
Minji suggested that we all take a rest day and spend it staying inside.

I walk around, trying to find Haerin, when Y/n stops me.

"Sorry for how I acted." They apologised.

"Did Minji make you do this?" I asked.

"What? No, I genuinely feel sorry, and stupid." Y/n said.

"Oh, well, it's okay. I forgive you. I understand your reasons for acting out." I said, and walked past them.

I entered the room, and there she was. Kang Haerin, the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes upon.

Her back was facing me, and she was listening to music through her earphones.

I sneaked up on her and tapped her on the shoulder. I expected her to freak out, but she turned around calmly.

She took out one of the earpieces and put it in my ear.

"Here, listen," she mouthed.

I listened. I really like this song. It makes me feel the same way I feel every time Haerin enters my sight. Misty. Fulfilled. Warm.

I look down at Haerin's phone, and see it's named "Your Dog Loves You".

"I like this song," I mouthed to Haerin.

She let the music finish, before taking our earpieces out.

"Cheolie, have you tried making your own playlist?" She asked.

"No, should I?" I said.

"Of course," she said.

I got my phone out and started building my playlist, it mostly consisted of NewJeans and the other songs Haerin showed me for now.

"All done," I said. "But I don't know how to listen to it, I've got no headphones."

"You can keep mine." Haerin said, handing me hers. "You can think of it as if it's me, okay?"

Her earphones were decorated with little stickers, and there was even a sticker with me and Haerin on it.

"Thanks." I said, turning away and blushing.

Danielle's POV
I spy on Cheol and Haerin, watching them hold hands and listen to music together. They weren't even talking, just communicating in their introverted love language.

I was too late. I should've pushed into Cheol sooner.

"Sucks, huh?" Y/n appeared behind me.

"What?" I said.

"Oh come on, all of us could tell how far you'd fallen for Cheol." Y/n said.

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