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Haerin and Cheol were now living together, Haerin thinking it was so they got closer as a couple on one hand, Cheol thinking it was an order from Y/n and their parents so he could protect her at all times on the other hand.

Ever since Cheol saved Hyein for the first time. She had been slowly developing stronger and stronger feelings for him, to the point where she was willing to do anything to win him over.

But of course, not everything went accordingly.

Haerin's POV
I woke up with a smile on my face, thinking back to last night when me and Cheolie were cuddling in bed.

I got up and was unable to find him anywhere. I panicked and rushed downstairs to my mother.

"If you're wondering, Cheol already left for school," she said, without me having to ask.

I thought nothing of it since Cheolie was always silent and made decisions on his own.

I rushed out of the house after getting ready and went to school to find Cheolie.

When I got there panting, I saw Hyein giggling flirting with Cheolie. My heart ached a little bit and my body filled itself with anger.

I quickly walked over and pulled Cheolie away to the side.

"What's wrong?" Cheolie asked.

"What are you doing?" I said. "Why are you letting her flirt with you?"

"She was?" He said, all confused.

Hyein walked over to us and shoved me.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said.

"What?! Have you gone crazy?!" I said, raising my hand to hit her.

Y/n and Danielle ran over to us.

"Whoa hey!! Stop!" Dani said. "What's going on?!"

"Hyein's trying to swoon Cheolie in front of me!" I said.

"What?" Y/n said. "Hyein-ah, is this true?"

Hyein didn't say anything and just death stared me.

"You better explain yourself before I smack you!" I yelled.

"Whoa okay! No one's hitting anybody here alright?" Y/n reassured. "Let's just all calm down and I'm sure we can figure this out together!"

I hit Hyein, but right before my hand reached her face, Cheol stopped it.

"Cheolie? W-what're you doing.?" I said, as my heart stung.

"야 (Yah - Hey), that's enough now, you heard Y/n," he said in a low voice.

Tears started spilling out of my eyes as I ran off into the bathroom, not wanting to speak to anybody.

"Haerin-ah! Where are you going?" Danielle said as she started running after me.

My head filled with different thoughts.

Did Cheolie lose interest in me quickly because I was too boring?

Was it because he felt uncomfortable with our age gap and liked Hyein more?

I didn't want to think about it further, I just wanted to hide in a bathroom stall and cry in my own arms.

Y/n's POV
What the hell had just happened? Haerin had never acted like that before. And neither has Hyein.

"What was that?" I asked Dani.

"I don't know, but you stay here, I'll go after Haerin," She said before running after Haerin.

I figured I should go talk to Hyein and figure out what really happened.

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