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The group sat down in the restaurant and began eating. The group members filmed their food lots while they ate.

"Woooww, look at the shrimps!!" Danielle exclaimed. "So yummy, Y/n, try it!"

"Cmon.. open wide!" Danielle said, trying to feed Y/n.

"It's pretty good," Y/n said, nodding at Danielle.

Minji started getting jealous at this.

"Y/n, here." She said, feeding them some tteokbokki.

Y/n's POV

"Waahh, you should've seen the way Y/n was dashing around and taking people out left and right," Hyein said to Haerin.

"Y/n's scarily strong," Eunchae added.

"Hey, Y/n." Minji said, regaining my attention.

"Hm? What's up?" I asked.

She puts some noodles in her mouth, signalling at me to get the other side.

The moment I get the other bit in my mouth, Minji leans forward immediately and kisses me. I can slightly smell alcohol.

My eyes come across Danielle, and she's got a sad look on her face. I suddenly felt bad.

I pulled away from Minji and continued eating awkwardly.

Minji and Danielle are both easily the most stunning girls I've seen.

Whether they fight over me or not, I don't think I'll ever be able to choose between the two.

"Get in, guys! Group photo!!" Eunchae exclaimed, holding a camera above us all.

"3.. 2.. 1.."

Danielle suddenly grabbed me by the arm and leaned on my shoulder as the camera flashed.

"Eat up everyone, because Y/n's paying!!"

I shot a sore loser look at Minji. She smirked at me before pouring another glass of alcohol for herself.

I feel a little weight on my arm and realise that Dani still hasn't let go.

"Hey, you okay?" I whispered.

"I- I'm okay, are you?" She said.

"You're being weird, is something wrong?" I asked.

She got up and kissed me on the cheek out of no where.

Everyone at the table looked at her with their jaws dropped, including Minji.

"I'll be in the bathroom." She said, abruptly leaving.

What bothered me was that she was genuinely upset. I got up from my seat to follow her, when Minji grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" She said.

"She's clearly not okay, I need to help her." I said, taking Minji's hand off of mine.

"Dani? You in there?" I asked, knocking on the bathroom stall.

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