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Minji was the first to wake up, and cleaned up all the glasses.

She felt a little sore, and so did everyone else.

Chaewon and Cheol took Eunchae's passing the worst by far.

Y/n's POV

My eyes opened, and a huge wave of sad emotions passed through me as I remembered what had happened.

Everything felt so empty now.

I groaned as I forced myself up and headed downstairs.

I walked in on Minji drinking a cup of coffee and reading a letter.

"What's that?" I asked.

"See for yourself," she grunted, handing the sheet.

Minji's eyelids were still red from crying, and it seemed like this letter had made her cry a little more.

"What are you two doing?" A sleepy Haerin said. "Where's Cheolie?"

I showed her the paper as I read it.

"To, whoever is the first to find this letter, please don't keep it a secret. Share this letter with the others." It said.

"I wrote this letter to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at any of you, I know it wasn't your fault. I was really sad and upset.

Chaewon and I have chosen to go after Namjoon on our own. Everything in that building reminds me of Eunchae, and it hurts every time. I couldn't sit there and take it.

Please try not to worry, and please don't try to find us. In case something urgent happens, you can call me. This is probably the final time that we talk for a while.

I'm sorry again. I've left Haerin's birthday gift next to the paper.

Tell her that I really love her.

From, Cheol."

I looked over at the table and saw the tomato frog.

Haerin reached for it and held it close to her. She was trying not to cry, and she held a strong face.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm okay." She answered sternly.

"Are you sure? You aren't feeling sad or any of that?" Minji said.

"I'm sure, because Cheolie will come back. I know he will." She said.

Soon after, the rest of the girls came down and read the paper.

"I hate everything." Hanni croaked.

"Look on the bright side, you guys can do your jobs normally while those two get revenge." Haruto said.

"There's nothing we can really do except hope they're okay out there." I said.

"Y/n.." Danielle gently pulled on my pinky finger. "I feel so guilty, I'm sorry."

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