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Danielle had come out to Haerin, Cheol had watched them kiss right in front of him, and had chosen to stay with Eunchae and the delinquents at Danyoung High.

It was all a huge mess.

"Now can we be together?" Minji said as she made out with Y/n on their bed.

"Fine," Y/n said, kissing back.

"What's wrong? Still mad about Danielle? I can help with that." Minji said.

Back at the school gym, Cheol springs up and knocks out Taehyun in one hit.

"I've got a lot of heat to let off, so hurry it up." He said.

Huh Yunjin lunges towards Cheol, and he lets himself drop to the ground.

"Hmm.. guess he was a shitload weaker than we thought he was." Jungwon said, squatting over. "You are worth nothing. Your brother had good grades, but you're on this planet for no reason,"

Don't be fooled, Cheol wasn't all hands and feet. This was all a part of his plan.

"Let's leave, Cheol." Eunchae said. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."

Cheol's POV
Eunchae and I sat at a bus stop, it was late at night, with the bus stop's lights above us being the only source of light.

"So, you gonna tell me what you've been doing all this time?" She said.

"So, you gonna act like what just happened was nothing?" I said coldly.

"Oh.. that." She said. "First, I'm sorry for hitting your not-really-girlfriend-anymore girlfriend, and second, don't you think she deserved it? Kissing someone else infront of you like that?"

Eunchae was never a bad person at all. Changho, Eunchae and I used to hang out all the time. She had no choice but to join Jungwon after I got transferred otherwise they would've bullied her too.

The bus arrived and we got on.

"Oh yeah, don't you live with Kang Haerin? Wouldn't it be awkward if you went back to her?" She said on the bus.

"Wanna come stay at mine instead? Also, kudos on remembering our little "I'm going to kill you" inside joke, I was surprised you still remember."

"Sure," I accepted. "And no, I'm not sharing a bed with you."

"What? Whyyy?" She pleaded. "We're still dating, we never broke up!"

Every time we spent time together before, she'd always cling onto me and not let go.

"I just.. still believe in Haerin," I said.

"Hmph, fine!" She said. "You sleep on the sofa then!"

We got home and she supplied me with a blanket and a pillow.

"Night night, jagiya~". She teased as she walked over and tried to kiss me, but I moved out of the way.

My heart jumped for a second.

"Nope, not a chance," I said.

Eunchae then turned the lights off and headed to her room.

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