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"Mm!!!" Haerin muffled as she shoved Haruto off her.

"Get off!" She yelled.

Haruto tried to get her to sit back down, but she slapped him in the face and then followed after Cheol.

Y/n's POV

Danielle's birthday is coming up, and I want to make it extra special for her. I've always known that she's into swimming, so I was thinking maybe a pool party?

"Hey, how does a pool party sound?" I whispered to Minji and Chaewon, and they nodded.

"Should we invite lots of people? Danielle likes it more that way," Minji said.

"Sounds good," I said.

"By the way, did Haruto do any sort of psychological study when you went to school?" Chaewon asked.

I had to think about it for a second.

"I'm not sure, but I do remember him saying something about that," I responded.

"Y/n.." Danielle called out to me.

"Y-yeah?" I answered, trying not to sound suspicious.

"I wanna go to bed." She said.

I can't blame her. These promotions are really wearing her out. The members look more and more down each day, but they help each other up. Always.

"Okay, let's go to sleep." I said.

I help her wash her face and do her skincare, and then we climb into bed.

"Y/n," Danielle whispered.

"Hm?" I answered.

"N-never mind.." she said.

I thought this would be about her birthday, but I don't wanna say anything.

"Am I too weird for you to be dating me?" She asked suddenly.

"Weird? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Whenever people start fighting, I get really freaked out and frustrated, and I don't know what else to do but look for you.." She explained. "I feel like that makes me a little awkward."

"W-well, I think that you're still Danielle, no matter what." I blushed.

We conversed back and forth until we both eventually fell asleep.

Hyein's POV

I was chilling on my bed, when the door swings open, and a distressed looking Cheol entered the room.

"What's going on?" I asked.

He walked over and grabbed me by the collar, slamming me into the headboard and kissing me. And it felt GOOD.

I yelped a little.

"Hey, what's the issue?" I asked. "Could this be about Haruto and Haerin?"

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