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NewJeans were already one week into promotions, and the words painful and tiring couldn't compare to what it felt like.

Y/n found out that dancing and singing took Danielle's mind off of many things and calmed her.

Haruto received praise from his online friends after telling them about him and Haerin, and he took a break from gaming.

Cheol and Eunchae made up with each other, and Chaewon decided that they go see one of NewJeans' performances.

Cheol's POV

I had mixed feelings about seeing them, but I was excited nonetheless.

"Alright, you two ready?" Chaewon asked. "We might miss the train!"

"I'm not ready, wait for me!" Eunchae said.

"Cheolie, go catch the train and tell the driver to wait," Chaewon said.

I didn't think and started walking. I got to the station and it took me a few seconds to realise I didn't even know which platform the train was at.

I saw a few high schoolers and approached them for help.

"Hey, excuse me," I spoke.

"W-wha? N-no, we don't have any money! We're sorry if we did anything wrong! Please let us go!" He begged.

Their eyes looked down at my hands and widened.

"What? I'm not here for that," I explained, but I was cut off.

"Please, we aren't lying!" They put their hands together. "Kim Cheol! Sir! Please forgive us!"

"I'M NOT TRYING TO ROB YOU! I JUST WANNA KNOW-" I raised my voice, and they legged it.

A panting Chaewon and Eunchae caught up to me.

"What did you do?" Eunchae said. "Whatever, hurry, the platforms this way."

We barely made it onto the train and sat down.

"You two been to concerts or anything before?" Chaewon broke the silence.

We shook our heads no.

"It's amazing, you'll love it." Chaewon said.

I fell asleep on the train afterwards.

Y/n's POV

"Just stay back here and wait for them." I told Haruto.

"Yeah yeah, I know." He said.

The girls started their first song, and as usual we got cheering and screaming.

After a few songs, I noticed the fatigue was getting to the girls. They'd discussed it before, but Minji said it's what it takes to be an idol, and I agree. These girls are strong in their own way.

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom," I told Haruto.

He waved me off as I left.

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