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Y/n and Minji come home to Haerin crying on their doorstep.

"Haerin? What's up?" Y/n asked.

"It didn't work.." Haerin sobbed.

While Cheol was away, Y/n took up the role as fighting coach for Minji, and things got complicated between the two.

Haerin noticed this and asked for permission from Minji to get back with Cheol, and she agreed.

"I'm sorry," Minji apologised. "This may have been my fault. I'll speak to him tomorrow."


Cheol enters Haerin's home, and settles down. He tries to go upstairs and realises that he can't.

His legs won't work.

"W-what the.." he panicked.

Haerin's mom appears.

"Cheol? What's wrong?" She said.

"I can't get up the stairs." Cheol said.

"I'll take you to the hospital, let's get in the car." Haerin's mother reassured, trying not to panic.

They arrive at the hospital, and it's Cheol's turn to be checked.

"Have you done anything like jumping? Running?" The doctor asked.

"Sort of," Cheol said. He realised that stomping and kicking Taehyun was a bad idea.

"Well, you'll have to be in a wheelchair for a bit." The doctor explained. "You've overworked your muscles far beyond what's accepted as dismissible, especially after a gunshot."

"F-for how long?" Cheol asked.

"Another month, at least." The doctor said.

Haerin's mother pushes him in his wheelchair out of the hospital soon after, and they head home.

"Cheer up, Cheol! It'll all be over very soon." She smiled.

Y/n's POV

We let Haerin stay with us for the time being, and she wouldn't stop crying. It took us a while to calm her, but it eventually happened.

Minji arranged for us all to hang out tomorrow. That way she could speak to Cheol about it.

Me and Minji head to our room, and we lay on the bed, with her putting her hands on my body.

We begin making out.

"Mmm," Minji hummed as we pulled away. "You think I'll ever be as strong as you?"

"One day, for sure." I said arrogantly, "but that day isn't going to happen for a while."

We keep talking back and forth until we both are fast asleep.

The next morning, we head to the hangout spot, with Haerin following us behind.

"Hey guys!" Danielle said. "You found Haerin!"

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