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Y/n checked on Chaewon after the fight.

"You hurt?" They asked.

"I'm okay," she answered.

The fight at the dorm building calmed, and Namjoon located the rest of the group.

"Yeonjun, Wonyoung." He said. "They're at the airport. Go quick."

"Got it," Yeonjun responded on the radio.

Haerin's POV

There were loads of cameras and noise at the airport. Fans screamed all sorts of things like "Hanni!!! Marry me!!!"

I noticed Cheolie wasn't taking the noise and light very well. I held him close to me to calm him in front of all the cameras.

"Aren't you not allowed to do that?" He asked.

"Don't act like you're okay. I can tell you aren't." I said. "Now come on."

I held onto his arm in front of everyone, and I could feel him shaking.

"H-haerin.." he muttered. "I.."

"What?" I said, getting a little closer.

"I think that I..." he whispered.

My heart rate increased just by us looking at each other like this. I stayed silent and waited patiently for his answer.

He looked around for a few moments as if something bothered him.

In a swift movement, he spun me and pushed me forward.

"RUN!!" He yelled.

I heard a "Aw shitt, he spotted us" somewhere in the crowd, and gunshots filled the air. The fans screamed.

"YOU! YOU! HELP THE GIRLS!!" Cheolie ordered the other bodyguards.

Me and the girls scurried off with the guards, but I resisted against mine.

"Wait!! What about Cheolie!!" I screamed.

"I've seen the way he fights, just go!!" The man yelled. "I know he's your boyfriend, but he'll be okay!!"

"No! You don't understand! He's sick! We have to go back for Cheolie!" I pushed him away from me and ran after Cheolie.

"What the hell are you doing!!!" He ran back with me. "I'll get into trouble!!"

I pulled Cheolie with us and we ran off. Some of the crowd followed, some ran away from the gunshots.

"GO GO GO!! INTO THE PLANE!!" Minji screamed.

A bullet ricocheted off the floor and into the ceiling as I ran into the plane.

"Please takeoff now!! Please!!" Hanni yelled.

The gunshots stopped, we settled down and the plane took off.

"What were you thinking?!" I said to Cheolie. "Leaving me like that! You matter too.."

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