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Y/n's POV
After cuddling all last night with Danielle, I decided to wake her up for school.

"Good morning," I said.

"Good morning!" She said back, stretching and getting up.

We held hands on our way to school, and when we met up with the rest of the group, I noticed Haerin stopped looking upset when we did that.

Instead, she looked happy and excited for the day this time.

When I got to class, I hugged Dani like normal before going to my seat.

I saw the new kid sitting at his desk, drifting off in thoughts.

I thought I should thank him for yesterday.

"Thank you for helping me and my friends yesterday," I said as I bowed.

And to my surprise, he stood up and bowed back..

I sat down in my seat and wondered what that was about.

My thoughts were interrupted when Haerin suddenly got out of her seat and shyly gave the new kid a snack.

He cautiously accepted it and Haerin excitedly ran back to her seat with a big smile on her face.

Danielle looked back at me and we shared a look that said "There's definetly something going on."

I was about to ask the new kid if he liked Haerin but when I turned around he was already asleep.

Time went by fast and lunchtime was here.

I saw down next to Dani and we saw Haerin more eager than before, but also nervous.

She kept playing with her hands and shaking her leg.

"Something wrong Haerin?" Hyein asked.

"N-nope!" She said.

That's when the new kid came to sit at our table in front of Haerin, and she got even more nervous.

The whole group looked at each other as we all came to the realisation of what was going on.

We all chose to stay quiet for now as the new kid ate his food in silence and Haerin kept staring at him.

Haerin's POV
I couldn't stop myself from constantly looking at the new student when he was right in front of me.

I felt so warm and comfy when I looked at him.

He must've seen me looking at him when he looked up and our eyes met.

My heart started fluttering and I froze as he looked back down.

"So! New kid!" Hanni said, breaking the awkwardness. "Can you tell us your name?"

"Kim Cheol." He responded after a moment, not even looking up.

"How come you chose to help us?" Minji asked.

He didn't say anything and shot Y/n a quick look.

"How come you transferred to this school?" Danielle added.

I saw on Cheol's face that he didn't like that question.

"Guys give him some space!" I said. "Let's all just eat and be friends!"

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