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Today is Danielle's birthday. A photoshoot for Danielle was planned while they set up the party.

"See you in a bit, alright?" Y/n kissed.

Danielle showed a look of worry on her face, she was dying to tell them it was her birthday, but she's afraid it'll interrupt things.

Y/n's POV

Now that Danielle's out, we all snapped into action. I waited for her car to zoom off first.

"Hyein! Hanni! Set up the pool!" I ordered. "Eunchae and Chaewon, make the cake!"

"I'm an amazing baker, you aren't ready!" Chaewon boasted.

"Haruto, set up the balloons and gifts!" I ordered.

"It's a little late, but I invited my old friend, if it helps," Chaewon added.

"Minji, help me set the lights up!" I said.

"Already on it," she answered.

I looked around to see if I missed anything. Haerin and Cheol were getting party hats ready, everything was going well.

After a few hours, everything was ready. It looked awesome, and we were exhausted.

"Alright, now everyone get into position." I commanded. "Party hats on!"

"Wow, you're really not joking around, huh?" Eunchae said.

This is going to be the best day Danielle has ever had. I'll make sure of it.

Hyein was on lookout at the window.

"I appreciate all your efforts, and whoever bought the balloons and blowers." I thanked.

Cheol and Haerin giggled to each other.

"My friends should be here soon," Haruto whispered.

"Light off! Lights off! Dani's back!" Hyein warned.

"Shhhh!" I hushed.

The door opened and she must've noticed how dark and quiet everything was.

"Anyone home?" She asked, a little scared.

She walked into the room, and the lights switched on, the speakers turned on, everything snapped into place.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" We blew on the party blowers.

Danielle showed a look of absolute happiness and screamed.

"You all remembered??" She said.

"How could we forget??" I said.

"We know you didn't want to interrupt promotions, you deserve a break." Minji said.

"Come look outside!" I said.

"Oh my god!!! A pool party??" She cheerfully said.

"Yep, you like it?" I asked.

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