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It turns out that the lodge was very close to Namjoon's hideout, and the so-called "Neighbour" was Taehyung checking who were so dangerously close to them.

And nobody had a clue.

Taehyung's POV

My mother kept texting my phone, saying that my daughter was getting upset.

"Appa, why is it taking you so long??" She sobbed over the voice message.

I hesitantly turned my phone on silent.

"I can confirm it's Y/n, what do you want to do?" I said.

Namjoon's been a little ticked off lately. He's resorted to drinking ever since Wonyoung chose not to return.

"Kill them. Kill them all." He ordered.

"That's not a good idea, they have a lot of power over th-"

"DO AS I SAY AND FUCKING KILL THEM!!" He threw his beer bottle at the wall.

"Why are you being bitchy?" I said. "You can tell me, I've always been able to help with your issues, remember?"

"I just wanted a fucking daughter man," he teared up. "Someone to take care of, and I thought I actually had one, BUT THEY TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!"

"Bangchan, Kazuha, come downstairs!!" I yelled.

They appeared in no time.

"Remember all that training? Now's the time to use it," I said.

"Aren't we severely outnumbered?" Bangchan asked.

"We have weapons, they don't." I said.

"This is really bad timing," Kazuha said.

"I know, but there's not much we can do." I whispered. "I mean, just look at him now.."

She looked at the state of Namjoon and nodded.

"So, we go now?" Bangchan said.

"No, let them have their fun. We'll wait for the right time." I looked out of the window through my binoculars.

They were having a snowball fight, and building snowmen. For some reason, I pictured my daughter playing with them too.

"I can't do this anymore," I thought.

"Yes you can. Remember what they did to your love? These kids are no different." Another voice rang in my head.

Cheol's POV

"I told you to stop smoking!!" I yelled to Chaewon as she struggled to catch up to me. "Come on!"

We ran and ran until we found Jeon Jungkook's residence.

I knocked on the door. "Anyone home???"

I kept knocking on the door until Chaewon caught up to me, gasping for her life.

"Screw the knocking," she kicked the door open.

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