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They all sat in the lounging area, and it was AWKWARD.

"Why'd you guys even fight?" Y/n asked.

"Haruto kissed Cheolie's girl." Chaewon replied.

"Stop calling him that!" Haerin yelled, almost being surprised at herself for saying that.

"She's not his girl anymore," Haruto said.

Y/n's POV

"Whatever, it doesn't matter." I said. "Just quit fighting near Danielle."

"He swung first," Haruto added.

"Why aren't we talking about the fact that Haerin left Cheolie like he was nothing?" Chaewon said. "I'm crazy disappointed in you, Haerin."

"Hey hey hey now," Haruto defended. "Don't be mad just because Haerin knew how good of a boyfriend I am."

This caused a lot of commotion.

"Y/n, you realise that you're on the wrong side, right?" Chaewon said. "This is the same guy that tried to hook up with your girlfriend."

"I'm not ditching Haruto, he's my middle school best friend." I answered.

"Cheol and Chaewon were your friends too, no?" Eunchae said.

"Friends that kick Y/n's ass 24/7," Minji muttered.

"Cheolie kicked Haruto and Y/n's ass because they deserved it." Chaewon said.

"How did I deserve it at all?" Haruto said.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" Eunchae yelled.

"Settle down!" I yelled. "Danielle's asleep."

They all looked to see Danielle in my arms, out cold. And they collectively shushed.

I rubbed my cheek onto Danielle's and she relaxed.

Haerin then snuggled into Haruto's arms. She looked rather unhappy.

"Yah! Kang Haerin, let me speak with you in private actually," Chaewon commanded.

"I- I don't wanna," Haerin replied, looking up at Haruto.

"You don't have a choice," Chaewon said.

"I think you better go," Haruto said.

Haerin showed a look of sadness and went with Chaewon.

Haerin's POV

I was extremely afraid to speak to Chaewon. I could barely feel my feet as I walked, and my knees kept trembling. Haruto wasn't of any help either.

"Haerin, what's happened to you?" Chaewon asked in a new tone.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I said.

"You were so in love with Cheolie, now look." She said.

"Cheolie didn't like me, he never talked to me or did things like calling me pretty. I'm not good enough for him...." I said.

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