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Y/n and Danielle had seemed to have gotten back together, and Danielle agreed to help Y/n and friends end the bullies of the school.

Hyunjin's POV
"Line them up," I said, as Beomgyu, Felix, Soobin and another pair of trash lined up in hopelessness.

"How. Many. Times. Have I. Told. You. To. Sort. It. OUT?!" I shouted as I hit them. "You're making us look bad, do I need to kill you?"

"We're sorry, sir," they said in unison, bowing deeply.

"Soobin, who broke your arm?" I said.

Suddenly, the rooftop doors burst open and Kim Chaewon came running.

"They're planning an attack on you tomorrow, sir," she said.

"Who is?" I said.

"The same people that beat up your guys," she said, "What do you want me to do?"

"Tell them that we'll see to them in the abandoned car park," I said, "There'll be 40 people waiting for them, expecting it only to be us,"

"Will do," Chaewon said, before bowing and leaving.

Y/n's POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar bed, and I realised it was Danielle's. It was 2am.

I figured I should leave before things got complicated.

Danielle then wrapped her arms around my torso, and I tried to pry myself out but it only tightened.

Eventually, Dani woke up.

"You awake Dani?" I whispered. "I gotta go now, okay?"

"No! Please!" She whispered loudly, burying her face into my stomach. "I- I love you."

My heart fluttered madly and I could feel Danielle's face heating up on my body. I surrendered, cuddling with Danielle for the first time in ages.

"Do you think we can be back together?" She asked.

"Sure thing," I said.

"I'll never fight with you again," she said, offering her pinky, "I promise,"

I shook her pinky with mine and she sealed it with a kiss. We both ended up falling asleep with our pinkies locked.

"Wake up! We have to go!!" Danielle said, shaking me awake. It was 8am.

We were skipping school to meet at the spot to hear from Chaewon and make a move.

When we got there, Chaewon showed up with about 15 other people.

"We're going to give Hyunjin a taste of his own medicine," one of them said.

It was Jang Wonyoung, Chaewon's best friend.

"This all of us?" I said.

"Yep, I'm just going to get straight to the point, so listen up," Chaewon said. "Hyunjin is expecting us at the old car park with everyone else, but he's always 20 minutes late for some reason, so that gives us time to take down his underlings,"

"Cheolie.. don't forget you're facing Hyunjin, so try save as much energy as you can okay?" Haerin said.

"HYUNJIN AND HIS CRONIES END HERE!!!" Yeonjun yelled, the rest cheered. "KAJA!!!"

On the way to the car park, Danielle got all close to me.

"Y/n.. I'm scared." She said.

"It's okay, just stay close to me and you'll be fine," I replied, holding her hand.

When we got to the car park, 40 people in uniform were there, and the big four were at the back, watching.

I couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear, but I kept my composure. It was 25 vs 45.

"The audacity of these little shits," I heard Han, the second in command say. "What are you all doing? Crush them."

The two sides charged at each other, colliding hugely.

We were actually winning, but the tables started turning when they were down to 25, as our fighters started becoming tired.

I looked around me amongst all the chaos. Yeonjun, Bangchan, Cheol and Chaewon were doing fine, but everyone else was struggling.

There was a loud yelp somewhere not too far from where I was. I looked over to see Haerin getting tackled to the ground and stomped.

"HAERIN!!!" I heard Cheol shout, ignoring everyone he was fighting and running through all the people to get to Haerin. He got hit in the back with a baseball bat doing this.


He listened and painfully agreed as he fought off more people.

"We'll go help Haerin!" Danielle and her friends yelled before separating from me.

In the middle of all of this, it began raining heavily as the sky changed into a darker shade.

20 minutes later, Me, Cheol, Bangchan, Yeonjun and Chaewon were the only ones left standing, soaked in rain.

That's when Hwang Hyunjin showed up.

He took off his umbrella before saying "What the hell happened here? Don't tell me we actually lost to these punks,"

Han then pointed at the four of us to Hyunjin. "Yeonjun! Bangchan! Let's see how much you've both improved since last time eh?"

Yeonjun and Bangchan then followed Han to a separate place.

"You're against me," Cheol said coldly to Hyunjin. He was pissed.

"Kim Chaewon, when I get back, you're fucked," Hyunjin said.

"Y/n, you fucker, follow us!" Beomgyu said, as he and Felix left.

I looked at Chaewon.

"Go. I'll take care of the girls," she said.

I thanked her and followed behind Felix and Beomgyu.

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