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Cheol was really about to fight THE Rodtang. How would this turn out?

Cheol's POV

The round began, and I was horrified. Rodtang's kicks were like rockets.

The noise of the crowd wasn't helping either.

"Come on! Fight!" He jeered.

I kept blocking and dodging all his attacks. I was too scared to hit him back.

The adrenaline got to me, and I punched him straight in the liver.

"That's it!" He clapped.

Did this guy really clap? I'm so dead.

He let out an absolute flurry of attacks, and I ate one straight in the face.

I gritted my teeth as I dodged the rest.

Rodtang was beating the life out of me, and I was looking at Chaewon in the crowd on the floor. She looked so worried.

I got up and swore as I kicked and punched Rodtang repeatedly.

I landed a 540 kick on him, and it knocked him down, but he got up a few seconds after.

"You strong, but you not using it!!" He yelled.

We traded hits for a bit, and I wasn't able to go on for much longer. Every punch from him was like being struck in the head by a brick.

Cage fighting was so tiring, and the crowd was so overwhelming.

"FEEL THE ADRENALINE!! LET GO OF THE PAIN!" He yelled with a Thai accent.

I caught his kick and swept his leg, and he fell. He blocked as I punched him while he was down.

I saw the look of surprise and panic on his face. I wrapped around Rodtang and put him in a chokehold.

Knocking him out wasn't an option at all, this was the only way.

The crowd screamed intensely as I held him there.

He didn't resist, he just let me choke him.

"Tap out!!" I begged.

The ref stopped the match, and declared me the winner.

I sat next to him, panting and wheezing. This was the most intense experience ever.

"WOWW!!!!!!! THE NOTORIOUS RODTANG IS BEATEN!!" The speaker blasted.

I stumbled as I steadied myself. Rodtang recovered and stood back up.

"You have great talent!! I hope to see your name bigger in future!" He yelled as we shook hands again.

I remember climbing out of the cage, filled with the adrenaline-numbness. I can't believe that just happened. I felt dizzy, and I needed to control my breaths.

I could barely hear the crowd anymore. I hated the noise.

Chaewon and the guy ran up to me.

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