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(The same day Cheol snuck into Haerin's house)

A few minutes after Danielle leaves after Y/n shut the door in her face, she heads to Haerin's place.

A tired Haerin opens the door.

"Haerin!" Danielle squeaks.

"What do you want?" Haerin says.

"Oh.. I want to say sorry. I was wrong and I want to make it up to you." Danielle said.

"I appreciate you *hiccup* coming over here to apologise, but I have no idea how you can make it up to me." Haerin says, shutting the door.

"Oh! Wait! I know!" Danielle yelled. "I can help you get Cheol back!"

Haerin opens the door again.

"How?" Haerin says.

"We can make him super jealous, and he'll come back to you!" Danielle said. "I'll arrange for us to all meet. That okay?"

"Uhm, sure." Haerin says.

Haerin's POV
(Present day)

We all sat down at the cafe. Cheolie and Eunchae sat in front of me and Danielle. I started getting butterflies just looking at him.

It felt like I hadn't seen him in so long... just looking at him made me feel dazed.

"Remember, stick to the plan," I whispered.

We did little things, like interlocking fingers, and leaning on each other, but none of them seemed to work at all.

"I don't think this is working," Danielle whispered.

"Okayy, Eunchae, how long have you known Cheol?" Hanni said.

"Forgive me for this, Haerin." Danielle whispers.

"What do you mean?" I whispered back.

Danielle leaned in and our lips met. I looked over at Cheolie to see if it worked. We totally got his attention.

I decided to make him even more jealous by kissing back, and as I looked over, he and Eunchae were face to face.?

"Dani, stop," I tried whispering, but it was too late.

Cheolie and Eunchae were already kissing.

I pulled away from Danielle and looked at the two.

Our plan completely backfired.

When they pulled away, Cheolie and I met eyes.

I wanted to burst into tears and leave, but not this time.

I stood up in anger, I was so sick and tired of Eunchae taking Cheolie away from me all this time. I'd been dying just to get a look at him and she ruined it.


"Kang Haerin! Not here!" Minji stopped me.

"Let's just go," Danielle said, holding my hand.

I stomped out of the place with Danielle.

"Haerin.. this is my all my fault.. please forgive me." Danielle begged.

"No." I said. "This is Hong Eunchae's fault."

"How do we get back at her?" Danielle asked.

I want to hurt her so badly. Beating, stomping, killing. Everything about her pissed me off.

"I know where she lives." I said. "Follow me."

"Wait, where is this going?" Danielle said, running after me.

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