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Danielle pounds on Haerin's door, begging.

"Please open up, Haerin!" She said.

The door opens, and Haerin stands there.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Cheol's gone berserk! We need you to help us!" I pleaded.

"Cheolie was found?" She said.

"Yes! Now come on!" Danielle dragged.

Cheol's POV

Min Yoongi continues to taunt me, and I start losing it.

"You were born to protect the weak. You're nothing but a guard dog."

"Hey." I started. "I'm getting sick of your bullshit, asshole."

We rush at each other and I land a spinning hook kick on him.

He stumbles and sweeps my leg.

He lands a right on my face, and I kick him in the knee.

We continue trading punches, and I knock him to the ground.

I punch him again and again while he's on the ground, and he just laughs at me.

I start losing sense of my hands, and I sit there, staring into the ceiling and panting.

A swollen and battered Yoongi lays on the ground, cackling.

He pushes me off of him and gets up as if nothing happened.

"How's he still alive?" Minji said.

I start crawling back.

"Everybody get up!" Y/n ordered. "We have to buy time!"

I watch them as they fight Yoongi.

After all the things I've done to them, they still help me. Why do they persist? It's so beautiful it makes me wanna cry.

I feel a soft and gentle embrace. I turn around to see Haerin and Danielle.

"Cheolie.." Haerin whispered. "Where've you been?"

"I thought we broke up." I said coldly.

Haerin lets her lips touch mine. My anger was gone. I didn't want to kill anybody anymore. My adrenaline was going away, and I could feel my hands again.

"I didn't want to break up with you either!" She broke into tears. "Do you know how hard it was for me to come up with that decision?"

"What are you talking about?" I said calmly.

"I know that I weakened you," she said. "I wanted you to be at your best."

"I loved you so much, I was empty without you." I told her. "I was far from my best."

"I'm sorry, I love you too." She said cutely.

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