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While Cheol and Haruto fought, things weren't going to well on the other half either.

Haerin and Hyein's performance were way off, and Haerin even fell over.

The girls had to finish up early and go backstage.

Y/n's POV

While the girls are performing, Haerin and Hyein looked like they forgot what they were meant to do.

They were about a minute into OMG, when Haerin tripped and fell during her part. Haerin NEVER trips when she dances.

The media usually made various content about what we did, it was usually funny, praise, or shipping content, and we had to be very careful on camera. But I can't imagine what haters are going to say after this.

A few minutes later, the girls came in with Haerin sobbing.

"Don't cry, I'm sure it won't matter." Minji tried to comfort, patting her.

"No, I messed up, I'm so sorry.." she sobbed.

I also remembered that Hyein forgot a few lyrics while singing.

I look around to find her, and she was in a corner all by herself. Did no one notice?

"You don't need to be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong!" Danielle assured, hugging her.

That's another one of Danielle's charms. She's always so confident and cheery. Whenever you're down, Danielle jumps to the rescue.

"There's no need to question your ability after one mess-up, it happens to everyone." I said.

"I-I just wanna go!" She cried.

"Okay, okay, let's go," Hanni said. "Come on,"

We made our way out and back as fast as we could so we can avoid as much swarm as possible.

The car ride was silent, everyone lost in their own thought.

Danielle dug her nose into my chest.

"Birthday girl soon," I thought to myself. "I love you so much."

She dug deeper, I think she noticed my heart rate increase. I hugged her back.

"I promise I'll get you the best birthday surprise ever," I thought.

Cheol's POV

"I already know how loud she's going to be," Haruto kept pissing me off.

This cocky bastard, who does he think he's talking to right now?

"Says the one who can't punch, you fucking pussy." I said.

"Why're you trying to change the subject? We're talking about Hae-" He spoke, but got cut off by my fist to his head.

I threw a jab, hook and then an uppercut to his body. I know for a fact he can't handle boxers.

"Copy that, dickhead," I said.

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