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In the final battle, Y/n and friends emerged victorious. Soon after they left the car park, police showed up due to "noise complaints" and everybody there was arrested.

"Ow! Easy!" Han said as he was being put in the back of a police car.

Hyunjin was now in a coma, in with no leader, all the bullying stopped.

"Oh my god, WHO DID THIS TO MY SON?!?" Hyunjin's mother screamed, crying.

Cheol's POV
"Oh my goodness!" Haerin's mother said as we stood at her door. "What happened to the both of you?"

I bowed and stayed quiet.

"We got rid of the bullies, omma." Haerin said.

"Don't stand in the rain, come in! Come in!" She ushered. "You two go take showers, I'll take care of your soaked clothes,"

We made our way to the stairs.

"Wait no no no!" Haerin's mother said. "Don't go dripping wet all around my house!"

"How are we supposed to get to our dry clothes?" I asked quietly.

She sighed. "Take them off right here!"

Haerin and I stared at each other for a moment.

"In turns, not at the same time!" She said. "I don't want to see that!"

I saved Haerin the embarrassment and took off my wet clothes, handing them to the nice lady and running up the stairs.

After I got done showering, I put on fresh underwear and wrapped my towel around my waist.

I opened the door and bumped right into Haerin, causing her to fall over.

I'm pretty sure she was going to knock on my door to ask if I was done, because the only thing she had on was a towel, tightly wrapped.

I didn't want to make her uncomfortable and quickly apologised and went into our room.

After I put on dry clothes, my heartbeat got faster when I heard the water stop and Haerin getting out of the bathroom.

"Pretend like nothing happened," I thought to myself.

Haerin's POV
I really wished that Cheolie helped me up, our bare bodies being that close to each other.

I saw that Cheolie's face had cuts and bruises and I went downstairs to get the first aid kit.

"What are you doing?" He said as I approached him.

"Your cute face is all scratched up!" I said.

His face went red.

I then started tending to his wounds, putting plasters on his cuts and icing his bruise.

I then mustered up the courage to hold him by the face and kiss him.

"There, now it'll heal faster," I said, looking away.

"Y-Y/n said to meet them at the bbq place soon," He said, changing the subject.

"I'll get ready," I said, going to put on a cute outfit.

This would be the first time me and Cheolie spent time with each other out of school, like a date, except with people around us.

When we were at the door, ready to leave, my Omma stopped us.

"Finally going on a date I see?" She said, giggling.

"It's not a date!" I said, embarrassed.

"Whatever you sayyy, here take the umbrella," she said.

Cheolie held up the umbrella for us as we walked, when he suddenly said "It's not a date?"

"W-well, it can be if you want it to be," I said. "It's just that I've never been on one before.."

"Neither have I," He replied. "I guess we'll just take things slow?"

I agreed, I wanted to be with Cheolie forever.

We stopped at a red light and I felt the urge to kiss him under the umbrella, so I did and he kissed back as cars sped past us.

When we arrived, we went to find our table when we heard, "Lovebirds!! Over here!" from Hanni.

As we went to sit down with them, Chaewon had bowls of food already prepared for us.

"Eat up!" she said.

"Here's to our MVP Cheol!!" Yeonjun said, lifting his glass up. "건배 (geonbae - cheers!!!)"

We all clinked glasses and cheered.

As we ate, Cheol kept getting questions.

"What was Hyunjin like?" Bangchan asked. "Was he really strong?"

"To be honest, I thought you would lose," Minji said.

"By the way, Haerin is lucky to have someone so protective and strong like you Cheolie," Chaewon teased. "Are you two going to have babies?"

A few of us choked on our food for a second.

"No more, just eat!" Y/n laughed.

After a couple of hours, we were all drunk, except Hyein and Cheolie.

I was laying on Cheolie's stomach, hiccuping.

"Let's go home, Haerin," He said, and he helped me up so we could leave.

"Stop," Hyein said in a jealous tone. "Don't you wanna be with me instead? Just look at her,"

"Haerin is perfect, why would I want to switch her out?" he said, thinking I wasn't able to hear him. "Kaja."

I tried walking, but I stumbled and Cheolie caught me. He carried me on his back on the way home.

Being this close to Cheolie, I couldn't stop myself from constantly giggling and my head rested on his shoulder.

When we got home, he carried me up the stairs and into bed.

"Crap, I haven't got any more clean clothes," he said, fumbling around in his duffel bag.

"Come here Cheolie," I said.

He walked over to me cautiously and I helped him take his shirt off.

"Get in," I said drunkenly.

"But I'm not wearing anything," he implied.

"I know that, just get in," I subconsciously said.

He slowly got into our bed, with his shirt off.

I took my shirt off as well and huddled up with him.

"Uhh Haerin, you sure this is okay?" He said.

"Shhh stop talking," I slurred, straddling him and kissing him, with our bare bodies touching.

He kissed back and I slid my tongue into his mouth and he stopped for a moment before doing the same.

We made out back and forth until I passed out into a deep sleep.

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