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NewJeans were back to work a few days earlier than expected, and the double date was cancelled.

"You ever done this before?" Y/n asked Cheol.

"Nope, first time." He replied. "How does this work?"

"Just wait until they finish and get them through the hordes of people afterwards." Y/n explained.

"And no killing allowed! Not every person that gets too close deserves to have their ass kicked, got it?" Y/n scolded.

"Y/n, I'm nervous." Danielle said.

"Don't be." Y/n comforted. "Everyone huddle up."

"Go out there and absolutely kill it, like usual. Fighting!" Y/n hyped.

Cheol's POV

They go out on stage and prepare.

A few minutes into their performance, I realise that Haerin is really talented.

I peek my head around, and I just pause there, staring at Haerin.

I peek my head around, and I just pause there, staring at Haerin

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"Cheol, what are you looking at? Come back here!" Y/n hissed. "The cameras and people can see you!"

I quickly go backstage, and pretend nothing happened.

"Sorry," I apologised.

"Don't worry about it," Y/n sighed. "Just pray the cameras didn't catch you,"

Y/n's phone then rings.

"Yeoboseyo?" They said. "Haruto? That you? Man, how've you been? Alright, I'll catch you later."

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Oh? That was Haruto Watanabe, we went to the same middle school." They said. "He just plays video games now, and he got my number somehow."

"Huh," I thought nothing of it.

"They're almost done, so finish up that peach energy drink thing and get ready," Y/n guided.

Haruto's POV

"On the left! On the left!" My online friends yelled over their microphones. "He's almost down!"

My friend turns the corner and died instantly.

"Gaaah, is he cheating?" My friend groaned.

"Haruto, it's up to you, if you don't win, you have to replace your profile picture with a girl!" He teased.

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