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Not long before the chase...

"HEY! NO!!" Danielle ran after Namjoon as he sped off.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME!!" Minji pulled her by the arm.


"WE WILL! JUST GO!!" Cheol assured as Eunchae, Chaewon and him climbed into a car.

Cheol's POV

The side of our car was busted, and I banged my shoulder on the side when Chaewon crashed sideways into Namjoon's car. We scrambled out of the car and went to work on the door, it was blocked on the other side. I noticed windows on the side and elbowed them into cracking.

Eunchae, Chaewon and I left all of Namjoon's western friends on the floor, but it wasn't easy at all. We approached the garage door together, panting and breathing deeply.

"GGRAAGH!!" I roared as I whacked my foot against the door one last time.

The door swung open, and all three of us rushed in to find Y/n roped up on a chair, battered and bloodied on the floor. It was so bad they looked like they had been tortured. They were bleeding out, and their blood was pooling on the floor, soaking their torn clothes.

"OH. MY. GOD!!" Chaewon cried.

"Hey! Y/n!" Eunchae panicked as she crouched over them. "Hey hey hey hey hey, wake up! What have they done to you!?"

I saw Namjoon and Yeonjun sprinting out of the garage exit, and chased after them.

Yeonjun was slow, and I grabbed him by the arm.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N?!" I shouted.

He panicked as he tried to pry my hand off him.

"CHEOL, COME BACK!! WE HAVE TO SAVE Y/N!!" Chaewon cried out to me as she pressed her hands on their wound, covering her own hands in their blood.

I looked forward at the enemy escaping, and back at our dying ally.

"FFUCK!" I gritted my teeth, shoving Yeonjun heading back for Y/n.

"They've been stabbed!" Eunchae exclaimed. She's trying her hardest not to cry, but she isn't hiding it very well sadly. "They're still breathing!"

I pulled up Y/n's shirt to reveal 2 stab wounds. I felt the urge to throw up, but I held it back.

Chaewon sobbed on their shoulder. "Don't go! Not yet!"

I went through my phone and scrolled through my contacts, and called one of the last people I thought I'd be calling.

The manager. I haven't really had any messages or calls from him since everything was going okay.

"Yeoboseyo?" The other end of the line spoke.

"It's Kim Cheol! I need an ambulance, it's urgent!" I yelled.

We said a little more and we hung up. Big companies usually had private medical care, and injuries wouldn't be investigated. This way it'd be much less of a hassle.

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