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Y/n and the girls called an ambulance to get Hyein to a hospital. She was beaten badly.

When the ambulance arrived, we all rushed into the ambulance along with Hyein.

"Stop right there," one of the paramedics said. "We can't fit all of you in here, one of you has to go."

"That's fine.. I'll go!" Haerin reluctantly said.

Hyein's POV
I woke up in an ambulance, with the girls next to my side.

"She's awake!" Hanni said.

"Do you remember anything?" Y/n asked me.

I tried to remember the last thing I saw and it was Cheol saving me.

I started to understand why Haerin felt that way about him..

I pushed all the thoughts away, I just want Haerin to be happy. This was her first time liking anybody.

"It hurts.." I mumbled.

"What happened? Why'd they group up on you like that?" Dani asked.

"I think we should let her rest," Minji said.

Y/n's POV
After dropping off Hyein at the hospital, we made our way back to school.

"Is Hyein going to be okay?" Danielle said, looking up at me.

"She'll live," I replied and kissed her.

"Y/n," Hanni said. "Do you know Cheol personally? Why'd he bow to you?"

"I have no idea.." My head started to hurt. "I'm going to find out soon though."

When we got to class I was about to confront Cheol, when I saw Haerin getting after Cheol again.

When we got to class I was about to confront Cheol, when I saw Haerin getting after Cheol again

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"So that's why she chose to stay," I chuckled to myself.

She was a lot less quiet with Cheol than with the rest of us.

Cheol was being dismissive like normal.

I decided to wait until they were done to ask him about it.

Cheol's POV
I was about to nap again when the cat eyed girl came up to me.

"H-hi!!" She said, all happy and unable to contain herself.

"What is it?" I said lowly.

"Do you wanna sit together at lunch again? But just the two of us!" She asked.

"What why?" I asked.

That question seemed to make her stop and think for a second before going all pink.

She didn't say anything and ran over to her backpack to get something.

She returned with a box of pocky sticks and ran off back into her seat.

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