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Y/n and the girls sit together in a small circle, panting hopelessly.

"I've failed, I truly am a shitty bodyguard." Y/n said.

"It's not your fault, Y/n, please don't feel that way." Minji said.

Y/n picked up a phone call. It was from the manager.

"Care to tell me where Hanni Pham is?" He said angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir." Y/n said in shame.

"Is there anybody who can replace you and do a better job?" He said.

"Wait, sir, no!" Danielle said, "Don't be mad at Y/n, it's not their fault. Y/n is an amazing bodyguard! The enemies are really skilled, and there were two of them!"

"Wasn't there somebody who you all mentioned before? What was it, Kim Chaeyun? The one that defeated 40 people on his own?" He said.

"Kim Cheol. Sir," Y/n said.

"Yes, get Kim Cheol to replace Y/n ASAP!" He yelled.

"Sir, Kim Cheol is.. deceased." Y/n said.

"Oh.. we'll in that case, isn't there anyone else?" He demanded.

"No, sir." Y/n said.

"Hmph, you better not slip up again, you hear? I'VE LOST TWO IDOLS ALREADY!" He shouted, hanging up the phone.

"What a jerk!" Danielle said. "I want to see him try being in Y/n's shoes."

Y/n's POV
I'm actually starting to worry. Which one of us is next? When will they return? And most importantly, what was going to happen to Hanni and Hyein?

I felt like shit. I did a horrible job as a bodyguard.

Cheol... how was it so easy for you?

Haerin came up to me and leaned on me.

"I don't think you're a bad bodyguard," she said. "You're a great bodyguard."

"Thanks, Haerin." I say, patting her on the head.

"Can I ask you a question?" She said.

"Go ahead, ask anything you want." I said.

"If I liked you, would you like me back?" Haerin asked.

I froze at the question. I hadn't expected that.

"W-what do you mean? What type of like?" I asked.

"A dating-type like," she said shyly.

"Uhh well.. is this a proposal?" I asked, but she ran off.

Hyein's POV
"Hey, wake up." The guy said, nudging me awake. "Your friend's here."

I'd been here for one whole day already. I have no idea what they're planning, but they refuse to let me eat.

I looked up to see Hanni being carried in.

"Hanni!" I said.

They removed the duct tape from her mouth and tied her hands up.

"What do you guys want from us?" Hanni said.

"Nothing personal, just following orders." The one who uses pens said.

"Who do you work for?" I asked.

"Can't say." He said.

"Y/n and the rest of the guards will find us." Hanni said. "You won't get away with this."

"Ah, Y/n." He said. "He may find us, but can he defeat us? Certainly not."

"Of course they can." I said.

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