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Everything was slowly snapping into place. The energy was about to shift.

Y/n's POV

I woke up next to Danielle for the second time in the lodge.

"Good morning, jagi." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning," she muttered.

We stretched as we woke up fully.

"Do you reckon the others are awake yet?" Danielle whispered.

"Probably not, why?" I whispered back to match her tone.

"Shall we pull a prank?" She giggled playfully.

"What should we do??" I chuckled back.

"Hmm... how about we put water buckets on top of everyone's doors, so when they open it, it spills all over them." She said.

"But that would be really messy," I said. "How about we make it so spiders jump onto them when they open the door?"

"That!" She clicked her tongue.

"Let's go," I whispered.

We set up webs and fake spiders on everyone's doors, and waited for them to open the door.

We kept giggling at each other while we waited, and Danielle's happy face made my heart melt.

I stared at her in awe, when Minji opened the door, and our giggling stopped.

The spider sprung onto her, and she yelped briefly.

"AA-" she saw me and Danielle hiding. "THAT WASN'T FUNNY."

Me and Danielle kept laughing together at it. Hanni eventually came out and realised what happened before joining in.

"Come come come," I said, "There's one on Hyein and Haerin's door."

Hanni followed the two of us, we crouched outside the door and waited patiently.

Haerin must've heard the noise, and she opened the door, holding the tomato frog like usual.

"AAAH!! what the?" She looked clueless.

Hanni, Danielle and I revealed ourselves and pointed in laughter.

"What was that for?!" She playfully smacked us.

Haerin also joined us to see Hyein's reaction.

The door swung open, and the spider landed on Hyein's face.

"AAAAAAGHHHH!!!" She screamed as she fell to the floor.

"Hahahaha!!!!" Hanni wheezed.

"It's fake, look!" I showed her.

"That wasn't funny one bit!!" Hyein yelled.

"But it was.. hehehehe.." Haerin chuckled.

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