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Y/n always broke up fights. And now, they were going to do it again, or at least try.

Cheol's POV

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" I screamed at Wonyoung, grabbing her shirt.

"Wait wait wait no no!!!" Y/n bumped in. "Wonyoung is good! She's not an enemy!"

I remember hearing someone on the radio with Wonyoung when I was sleeping. I also remember I was fighting something.

"She's a threat! Not trustworthy!" I said. "I heard her on a radio!"

"Okay, are we really going to fight first thing?" Minji groaned. "Again?"

"No, we're not." Y/n said.

Y/n is a leader. They're pretty much born to be a leader. Stoic, pure, strong, and valiant. Nothing but leadership material.

"This bitch-" I lunged at Wonyoung, but Y/n held me back.

"Cheol, I understand your anger, but she doesn't deserve to have her ass beaten." Y/n reasoned, waving their hands.

"Move." I held my arm up to my mouth to suppress my coughs.

"Look at your condition!" Y/n said.

"I said move outta the way." I ordered.

"Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." Y/n stepped out of the way.

"What? No, come back here!" Wonyoung yelped.

"Can you cure me?" I said in a monotone.

"L-listen, I'm sorry, we can just talk!" Wonyoung said.

"Too late," I said.

She swung first in a panic, and I dodged and smashed her into the floor and struck my hands and knees into her face.

The others around me just watched with their jaws dropped, looking at each other not really knowing what to do.

I started feeling like my stomach was burning, and soon felt myself weaken and my breath shorten. I started gasping for air as I got off of her.

Wonyoung was now breathing in short intervals and choking on her blood. Her eyes were begging for mercy.

Commotion took place all around.

"Is she going to die?" Hyein said.

"Are we really gonna let this happen?" Haruto said. "He's going to ruin her pretty face!"

"Yeah, time to step in." Y/n said.

I went for another hit, and Y/n grabbed my hand.

"Come on, isn't that enough?" They said. "Let's stop."

"Let go." I said.

"Wake up!" Y/n said. "Can't you see you aren't in a condition to fight?"

I stood up and faced Y/n. They picked up Wonyoung and put her to the side before staring back at me.

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