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Haerin's POV
We gathered around the phone, about to host a Phoning Live. After that, we could eat.

Bunnies started joining up very quickly.

"Hey bunnies!" Hanni said.

Kitty_kang: who's that in the background? Bodyguards are getting younger as idols get younger?

Hannisplantpen: Stan Kim Cheol!

Minjisattention: How about Chanielle?

Not this again. For some reason, it makes me angry when people talked about Cheolie and Danielle together.

"Wah, looks like bunnies are really fond of Cheol!" Minji said, gazing at the comments. "Cheol, come here!"

"What is it?" He responded, walking over.

He leaned over us, looking at the comments.

Cheolie smelled so good. His scent was putting me in a trance.

"Haerin, why're you staring again?" Y/n asked, clearly bothered.

I snapped out of it and awkwardly went back to looking at the comments.

Tomatofrog22: he looks even cuter up close

Multistan169: Y/n? Someone's angry

Y/nbestbg: Y/n vs Cheol is needed

Cheolie laughed a little at the comments and left.

"I'll be in the dorm, shout me if you need me." He said.

After about an hour of chatting and replying to fans, we ordered food.

I sat on the sofa, and scrolled through my phone as we waited.

I saw edits of Cheolie already being made. It ranged from upbeat edits of him fighting off that guy from earlier to ship edits of him and Danielle. I started feeling the same negativity towards her as earlier.

Hyein scooted over to me, peering at my phone.

"Obsessed, hm?" She teased.

"It's nothing like that," I said.

"How come you haven't been talking to Cheol since he came back? I thought you missed him more than anyone." Hyein said. "Listen, I know Y/n wouldn't be happy with it, but you and Cheol should really catch up, it'd make things less awkward between you two."

"I don't feel like it." I shrugged.

The truth is, I really, really, really want to. Everytime we're close, I freeze up and I lose my breath. I forget what I'm going to say. Plus the interactions we've been having lately make me feel like it's better if we don't.

"What? That's it?" Hyein said.

"He doesn't like me." I said.

"Haerin, if you keep going on like this, you'll lose Cheol to Danielle. You have to show him that you still like him." Hyein said.

"You're right.. but what about Y/n?" I asked.

"Forget Y/n, I'm sure they'll understand and respect your wishes." Hyein said.

Our attention was redirected to a knock on the door.

"Food's here!" Minji yelled.

I opened the door.

"Hi, delivery order for Kim Minji?" The guy said. He was ridiculously buff for whatever reason.

"I'll take that, thanks." Minji said, shutting the door.

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