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Y/n and Danielle are in the middle of yelling at Haerin. Everybody agrees that Haerin messed up.

"Hhhhey! Stop yelling!" Haruto mumbled.

"Shut your mouth, asshole!!!" Danielle yelled louder.

"Haerin, is it that hard not to switch so often?" Y/n said.

They're interrupted by their phones ringing.

"Chaewon's calling us." Y/n said.

Cheol's POV

"LET ME SPEAK TO KANG HAERIN!" Chaewon screamed over the phone.

"What's this about?" Y/n said.

"Don't play dumb, Cheol's at my house right now!" Chaewon yelled.

I stopped by Chaewon's after leaving. My lips still feel fiery-warm from when Hyein kissed me.

"H-hello?" Haerin trembled.

"Don't yell at her," I told Chaewon.


"I'll take that," Haruto said. "What are you yelling for?"

"Oh? and who's this!?" Chaewon said in a sassy tone. "Is this Haruto? You dirty fuckwad."

She kept ranting and the other end eventually hung up.

"Tell her that- god dammit!" Chaewon said.

Chaewon has always been like a mother to me. She'd stand up for me and defend me whenever she felt like it.

"You don't need to be so hard on her," I said.

"Why? She totally deserves it." Chaewon said.

I believe that it's not Haerin's fault. Haruto did something to her. I don't trust that guy one bit.

"Let me get this straight, Haruto talked dirty to Danielle, then the guy hypnotised Haerin or whatever? And then Y/n sides with HARUTO and Haerin dumps you to be with him? That's fucked up," She said.

I nodded.

"Are your hands okay? I'll get some ice." She said.

She left to go to the kitchen and Eunchae walked into the house.

"What'd I tell you, huh?" She said confidently. "I told you it would happen again."

Eunchae's always been trying to get me to leave Haerin for her. She never gave up, and I never gave in. I was used to it by now.

"So.. how about now?" She asked brightly.

"No, stop asking." I said. "We're not getting back together."

"What are you gonna do then? Just crawl back to them like you always do?" She got angry this time. "I'm so sick of it."

Now that I think of it, Eunchae and I have never argued and fought before.

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