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The final attack on Min Yoongi was about to take place.

Y/n set off without Danielle, and she decided to go outside to kill some time.

Cheol wanders around in public for the first time in days after hiding in his old place, when two thugs decide to take advantage of a school student.

"We've got knives, idiot! Now give us your money!" The thug yelled.

"Let her go." Cheol warned.

"Who the hell are you? Why's a vegetable speaking to me?" The other thug laughed.

"Yo, let's just leave, don't you know who that is?" Thug 1 said. "That's Kim Cheol, the "little shit"."

"What did you call me?" Cheol said.

"N-no sir! That's your nickname! I heard it from a few friends!" The thug apologised. "Excuse us, we'll be going now!"

Danielle watches it all unfold. And texts the groupchat, "I found Cheol!"

Cheol's POV

"Cheol! Where've you been?" Danielle said.

Shit, now I've got to deal with an awkward interaction with Haerin later on.

"Needed some time away after Haerin dumped me." I told her.

"You still love her, right?" She asked.

Something's off with her. She seems scared and unconfident in herself, unlike before. Is she traumatised?

"Of course." I answered.

She smiled. "Thank god. You two were the cutest couple I'd ever seen."

"Where are the others?" I asked, switching the subject up.

"You didn't see the group chat? They're raiding that organisation." She elaborated.

"What? Where?" I asked.

"Just check the group chat, it's all there." She said.

I pulled out my phone and read the group messages.

"No.." I muttered.

"What? What's wrong?" She worried.

"That's the wrong place! It's a trap!!" I exclaimed. "Danielle, can you wheel me somewhere?"

Y/n's POV

We met up outside the location. Haerin had chosen not to come. I didn't push her into it either, she was really upset when we talked to her about Cheol.

"This is it, whatever happens, make sure we stick together. No matter what." I said. "Forget about all the times we fought, we're in this together."

"3, 2, 1, FIGHTING!" We chanted as we put our hands together.

We all walk through the big gates, and we're met by an absolute huge number of people.

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