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The group gather in the living room, and Y/n calls the manager to tell him what happened.

"I'll inform the police," he said.

"Who was that?" Minji said.

"I don't know, but he used pens to fight.." Y/n said.

"Wait.. pens?" Hanni said. "That's gotta be Yeonjun!"

"But.. why would he try to kill us?" Y/n says, "We were friends, it doesn't make sense."

"Being separated is too risky," Minji said. "Everyone now sleeps in this room, got it?"

Y/n's POV
I scroll through my phone, as articles and all sorts of media appear.

"NewJeans Faces Terrorist Attack?"

"NewJeans' Lee Hyein reported missing, click for more detail."

"NewJeans concert disrupted by explosion, police currently investigating."

"Man.. what do I do.."  I say.

"Everybody, stay in this room, I'll go get us food," I said.

"But what if he shows up again?" Danielle said.

"He won't. The boss has got extra bodyguards surrounding the place and they've got guns this time." I said.

"Did they find Hyein yet?" Minji said.

"No news, but stay put."  I say, leaving.

"4 plain rice and braised beef soups to go, please." I ask.

I pay for the food, and head back, steamy plastic takeaway bag in hand.

"What did you get us?" Hanni asked.

"Beef soup and rice." I answer.

"Niiice!!" Dani said.

They gather around the table we moved into the dorm, and begin eating.

"Wait.. Y/n, you didn't get anything for yourself?" Minji asked.

"No, but as long as you're all fed, I'll be alright." I answer.

"You've got to eat, you're our bodyguard. How are you going to guard us if you aren't fed either?" Minji said.

"This isn't even a fraction of what Cheol had to do. I'll be fine." I say. "Let's not cut in too deep about that."

"Don't bring him up, please." Minji said, pointing at Haerin.

"Suit yourself," Hanni said.

I started getting hungry just watching them eat, and my stomach rumbled.

Haerin got up and walked over to me, offering her food.

"Have the rest, I'm full." She said.

"Is there something you two have got to tell us?" Dani teased. "Haerin barely even speaks to us."

I was thinking of giving the bowl back to Haerin, but she was a very secretive and quiet girl, and I didn't want to press or hurt her.

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