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Who was stronger? Yeonjun or Y/n?

"Be careful, Y/n! Remember, Yeonjun isn't a regular hitman!" Hanni warned.

Y/n's POV
I'm so sick and tired of these damn guys coming after us. I just want to crawl into bed and rest without being interrupted by these fuckers. I have things to think about.

Yeonjun tries to spear me with his pen, My eyes widen out of instinct and I dodge it almost instantly.

What is this? I can sense and see his pens coming from a mile away.

I punch him in the face and his head slams into the floor.

He gets back up, confused and angry.

"Where the hell have you been?" Yeonjun yelled in frustration, throwing a pen at my face before rushing at me.

I catch his pen and slip underneath, jabbing him in the liver.

He groans in pain and kneels down.

"Don't come back." I said coldly. I can somehow tell that he's not got enough power left to get up after I hit him there.

Trying to hold in his pain, he stumbles out of the place.

"Wow, Y/n! What was that? You were like a completely different person!" Hanni applauded.

I don't know either, it's like I saw where his pen was going to land. Like his muscles are exposed..

"I'm going to sleep," I said, ignoring her question.

"What? Wait." Haerin said, holding me. "Aren't you gonna tell us where you went?"

"No. I don't want to anymore." I said.

"Wow. What an ignorant prick you are." Danielle said.

I turned back to them all.

"My dad died." I groaned. "How's that?"

"Wha.. Whhaa?? Y/n, sit back down, and tell us what happened!" Hanni begged.

I sat back down.

"Here, have one." Minji said, offering a bottle of alcohol. I accepted.

I told them everything.

"Wow.. how come you didn't tell us about any of this?" Minji said.

I ignored her and kept on drinking.

Minji got off the couch and sat next to me on the floor, with her back resting on the couch.

She grabbed me by the face, making me look at her.

"Hey. Come on. It's alright." She said, hugging me.

Everyone else joined in, and I burst into tears again.

"I'm so glad you guys are my friends," I bawled.

"We feel the same, Y/n." Haerin said, comforting me.

"I'm so sorry for fighting with you, it was so stupid." Danielle apologised. "You and Haerin."

"We're sorry too." Haerin said.

"Seriously guys," Minji joined. "I'm glad you guys made up, but it's time to go to sleep. I'm barely holding myself up."

Cheol's POV
"Hey, wake up! There's food for you!" A nurse said, placing a tray in front of me.

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