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It was time for Cheol to go. He was now dismissed as a bodyguard and the group as a whole had mixed feelings. Y/n's side was glad, Minji's side wasn't. Especially Minji herself.

"Cheol, wait." She said. "You don't have to go."

"I do though." He replied, packing his belongings. "Majority beat the minority."

"Okay okay, but slow down. This is the last time we'll see each other for a while.. I want to talk." Minji said.

"What's it about? Cheol asked.

"You know I love you, right?" Minji said. "I'll always think about you."

"I know." He said.

"Oh and what about my training?" Minji asked.

"I've taught you the basics." Cheol said. "It's up to you now to get better and stronger. If you still want a teacher then you-"

"Okay, that's enough talking." Minji shushed, leaning in for a deep kiss.

"I want this to last forever." Minji whispered on his lips.

They're interrupted by Hanni yelling from downstairs, "The driver's here! Hurry!"

"I've got to go, see you." Cheol said. "Now that you've started training, never stop. If you stop, you'll die, just like a shark. They must keep moving, even in their sleep."

And just like that, Cheol sped off in a black car.

Haerin's POV

The decision was hard. I thought about it and figured it was the best option. I upset Y/n and that caused Minji to get hurt. I had to make it right.

"Haerin? You okay?" Y/n asked.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? With your dad and me?" I said.

It stung Y/n a little bit, but they kept in control.

"I'm getting over my dad, but what you did with me was not cool." Y/n said.

"I'm sorry," I teared up.

"Oh, come on, don't cry." Y/n said, hugging me.

Minji walks in the room with an unhappy expression on her face. It still swollen and the spot where it was bleeding had turned into a scab.

I was going to talk to her, but remembered the vote we had. I figured it's best if I leave her alone.

She sits down with us.

"I feel empty." She said.

We all just sit there in silence, lost in our own thoughts.

Cheol's POV - a week later

I'd been living in my old place, it was a huge downgrade, but I put up with it. I've still got Haerin's earphones, and I listen to music a lot in them.

After leaving, I returned to school, and people worship me there. It's real weird.

I was walking to school, when a voice stopped me.

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