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Haerin begins her search for anything peach flavoured, and a cat-related gift.

Haerin's POV

I look around the small store with a smile on my face. This new information was completely unpredictable, especially for someone like Cheolie. And made him a little cuter.

I find an adorable little stuffed cat, along with a cat beanie, and add it to my basket.

I hear two familiar voices somewhere, and I listen in.

"It's good, right?" He said.

It was Cheolie. He's here!

I run around, trying to find him.

When I reach him, I find out he's with someone else. Another girl.


She was pushing him around on his wheelchair, and they were listening to music through OUR earphones.

"Haerin?" He said with a hopeful expression on his face.

"Oh, Kang Haerin! What are you doing here?" Eunchae asked in surprise.

My heart sunk to my stomach seeing the two sharing music. Music was me and Cheolie's thing. She had no right to take it away.

I would've gone feral at Eunchae, but I knew I didn't stand a chance.

Did he ignore my text because he was with Eunchae?

"C-Cheolie... what are you doing with her?" I asked quietly, approaching him.

"I figured you didn't want me around anymore, yknow?" He said.

"You did kick him out... right?" Eunchae asked.

I stopped in my tracks and stood there, looking at them. Cheolie looks so happy with her. What am I doing wrong?

I was speechless, and Eunchae started getting all touchy with Cheolie, pinching his cheeks and playing with his hair.

"Don't mind her," he said. "She's always like this."

I couldn't take it anymore. I dropped my basket and sprinted out, trying to prevent tears from bursting out.

I ran all the way home, and shut the door. I crouched in front of the door, sobbing.

I eventually moved myself back into my room, and laid in bed. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate.

"How did it go?" Hyein messaged me. I had told her all about how I was going to make it up to Cheolie.

I slowly starting typing and told her.

Cheol's POV

"Should we go after her?" Eunchae asked.

"Just a second," I said, wheeling towards Haerin's basket.

Her basket had all sorts of things peachy. From snacks to drinks. There was even a nice little stuffed cat.

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