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Kang Haerin, the quiet and introverted girl of the group. People around school know her as "the girl with cat eyes". Ever since Y/n and Danielle started dating and became more comfortable hanging out with the group, Haerin started getting an indescribable feeling more often when those two were around.

ENTER KIM CHEOL. A boy that got expelled from his last school for violence.

Y/n's POV
After me and Danielle hugged each other and sat down for class, another new student that looked younger, about the same age as Hyein came in. He had a stern and tired look on his face.

He wore the same uniform as us but had a hooded jacket over it.

He sat down and put his head on the desk to sleep right away.

"How strange," I thought to myself.

The teacher didn't even introduce him like she did with me. He was so quiet it was like she didn't notice he was there.

Throughout the lessons, I couldn't help but notice the bullies Hyuk and Jaewook were already making fun of him.

The new student would always sleep in the back corner of the classroom in his seat with his hood up, as if he wasn't there.

When class ended, Danielle told me she and her friends had rehearsal after school.

"I'll see you later, m'kay?" She said, kissing me.

I decided to make my way home on my own but I got stopped by the two jerks again.

"Your little girlfriends aren't here to save you now," Hyuk said.

"You owe us an apology for humiliating us, you worthless piece of trash," Jaewook said as he shoved my face into a wall.

The two kept stomping me and laughing at me and I couldn't do anything but cry.

I wish Dani were here.

Dani made everything better.

Danielle was everything.

"Yo I think it's time to stop!" Jaewook said. "Look, they're barely conscious, let's quickly get outta here,"

They turned around to Danielle and her friends, infuriated at what was in front of them.

Danielle rushed over to help me.

Minji walked over to the two bullies and slapped them both right across the face.

"Don't even lay your hands on my friend again," she warned.

You could tell Hyuk wanted to hit her back, but he and Jaewook rushed out.

They weren't finished, that was for sure.

Hyuk's POV
Those worthless losers got away again.

"What should we do??" Jaewook said. "Our sunbaes are going to kill us when they find out we failed to get rid of them,"

"Let's call them for backup," I said.

"Who? Hansol-nim and her friends?" He replied. "By the way, I don't think I can beat up a group of girls,"

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