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After Cheol beating up the bullies and saving the girls, the bullies had to temporarily retreat as they figured out what to do.

Meanwhile... Haerin couldn't stop thinking about Cheol and what would've happened if he didn't step in.

Despite Cheol being the same age as Hyein, Haerin began developing feelings for him.

Cheol's POV
I was sleeping peacefully after being transferred to another school, I was already tired of what happened at my old school.

I was woken up to the sound of screaming and yelling, I got up and stretched when I turned to see what was going on.

I saw 3 guys hitting and trying to drag a group of girls and Y/n away.

"Pieces of shits," I thought to myself.

This infuriated me as I realised this was the same type of stuff going on at my previous school.

I was expelled at my previous school after beating up 30 school delinquents just like the ones I was looking at out of pure spite.

I decided to help the girls this one time, nothing more.

On my way to lunch, I caught one of the girls staring at me.

I wasn't sure who the girls were and whether or not I helped the right people, so I gave her a quick glare back and kept walking.

After lunch I just napped for the rest of the lessons.

When I woke up, I realised school had already ended and got ready to make my way out before the gates closed.

I looked up from my desk to see the same girl that was staring at me before.

I got up and looked at her in confusion.

"I.. I just want to thank you for helping me and my friends earlier!" She said with her eyes closed, looking down, with her hands balled up.

"That why you waited for me to wake up?" I said.

She was really pink.

"I wanted to a-ask you if you wanted to sit with us tomorrow at lunch!" She said.

"Uhh why not?" I answered, still a bit sceptic.

She bowed and then quickly ran out of the class to regroup with her friends.

I thought nothing of it and continued on with the rest of my day.

Haerin's POV
"Why are you so happy?" Asked Hanni.

"N-no reason," I said, unable to stop smiling.

"N-no reason," I said, unable to stop smiling

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"I did it!" I thought to myself proudly. "I was able to muster up enough courage to ask him!"

"So uhh, when can I meet this so-called "hero" of ours?" Hyein said.

"Basically, he's about the same age as you, very quiet, and sleeps a lot." Y/n said.

"Oh?" Hyein said. "What's he doing in your class?

"No idea," Minji said. "But it's a good thing he is."

"Wait, isn't that him right there?" Danielle pointed.

I immediately looked over to see him walking home.

My face started feeling hot again.

Everyone waved at him but he just kept walking with his hood up.

"He's very strange," Minji said. "Reminds me of you Haerin."

"Huh? Oh.." I responded.

Y/n's POV
"Haerin's been off ever since the new kid saved us, don't you think?" I said to Danielle as we separated from the group to get to my house.

"Definitely," she replied. "You think she caught feelings? Haerin's never liked anyone before."

"Who knows?" I said.

We immediately went to my room when we got to my house.

"Soooo.. what do you wanna do?" Danielle asked.

Before I let her say another word I leaned in to kiss her.

She kissed back and whispered "I missed this," and pressed her hands against my body.

"Ow ow ow!" I said as it was still bruised from when I was getting beat up.

"Sorry!!" she said taking her hands off and pulling away.

I chuckled at her cute reaction and forgave her.

We went right back to making out afterwards.

With what happened over the past few days, this was what I needed.

Being with Danielle made everything better, I enjoyed the feeling of butterflies.

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