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Y/n's POV
Danielle, my crush just asked me to come to her house. I couldn't believe my luck.

When we got there, we went into her room without her parents knowing.

We both just sat there for a few seconds, until Danielle broke the silence by offering to watch Harry Potter movies.

The whole time we were watching, I couldn't help but notice Danielle was blushing and smiling the whole time.

By the time we finished the second movie, it was getting late and I decided it was time for me to go home.

"I guess I'll be going now." I said, as I went to go get my bag.

"See you tomorrow.." I said to her.

"Wait! don't go!" Danielle said as she sprung up to catch up to me.

"What's wro-" I was cut off by Danielle's lips meeting mine.

Danielle eventually pulled away and she was breathing heavily, as red as a tomato.

"I like you, please go out with me!!" She said.

"I- Okay." I said, all warm and tense. And before I could get another word out she pulled me in for another kiss.

I laid her down on her bed and we continued to make out.

I ended spending the night in Danielle's bed.

When we woke up, we were on the clock to get to school.

When I left the house rushing to go to school, I was stopped by Danielle.

"Then.. todays our first day as a couple?" She asked cutely.

I smiled and nodded, and we walked to school together.

On the way to school, her pinky drew itself to mine again. So we ended up holding pinkies.

Haerin's POV
During lunch today, I was met with an unfamiliar sight.

Y/n was holding hands with Dani, walking over to our table.

"Oh? So you two are a thing now?" Hyein asked.

"Yep, I figured it would be a good idea to get Y/n to get to know you all better and become friends!" Said Danielle.

While they were all getting familiar, my blood started boiling.

Not because I was jealous of Dani or Y/n or anything like that, but because they just looked so happy together.

Everyone in the group had experienced that love feeling except me.

When would it get to be my turn?

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