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Chaewon was really struggling to respect Y/n's relationship. She feels that they really had no reason to break up, and the incident back in school was the cause.

And she was kinda right.

Y/n's POV

Chaewon's being real close to me all of a sudden. I know we dated, but I just didn't believe she still liked me after all this time.

"So.." Chaewon began.

"How long until Danielle gets back?" I interjected.

"Not for a while, rest up." Haruto said. "10 more hours or so."

I got up, and Chaewon offered her hand for me to help her, but I left. She needs to know we aren't together anymore.

I came across Wonyoung, passed out on the sofa. Maybe she was just real tired. But still, her slapping the water out of my hands didn't seem normal.

"No, Yeonjun I'm not..." she mumbled in her sleep.

Yeonjun? How do they know each other?

I figured it had nothing to do with me and went into the dorm room. I plopped myself onto the bed and tried to go to sleep.

I'm woken by someone messing with my face.

I opened my eyes, and Chaewon was drawing on me.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"Nice moustache!!" she teased.

I was actually getting real annoyed now. What have I got to do to simply get some sleep?

"That's not funny!" I tried to wipe the marker off my face.

She couldn't stop laughing.

"Now listen!!" I yelled. "I am NOT going to get back together with you, so give it up!!"

Her laughing stopped.

"Yeah, not so funny now, huh?" I said. "No more shits and giggles? Yeah, shut up."

I continued being moody and headed to the bathroom to wash my face.

After I finished, a bit of the marker was still on my face and I decided scrubbing wouldn't do any more good, so I went back with the others.

"What's happened to your face?" Haruto chuckled.

"Drop it," I groaned.

Haerin's POV

I asked Cheolie to date me again, but he didn't say anything.

He just kept listening to the music.

"Cheolie?" I put my hand on his.

He showed a look of discomfort or stress and snatched his hand back, standing up and running away.

"Wait!" I yelped.

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