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Y/n's POV
I screamed as a bucket of water splashed all over my face, waking me up.

I looked around me and saw 3 people who I assumed were Kang Taehyun, Huh Yunjin and Hong Eunchae.

It looked like I was in a school gym.

Hanni was next to me, still completely out of it.

I nudged her awake.

"Ow.." she muttered. "Where are we?"

"No idea, but we have to figure out what's going on and escape." I said.

Jungwon then sat in front of us.

"So," he began. "You and your friend Cheol have pissed us off, how can you repay us?"

"We don't owe you shit!" Hanni yelled.

He sighed deeply.

"Alright, perhaps this will help you decide." He said, clicking his fingers.

Eunchae and Taehyun left and returned with Danielle and Haerin both tied up, accompanied by.. Hyein?!

"DANI!!" I yelled.

Kang Taehyun laughed.

"Changed your mind yet?" He said.

"I swear, when I get out of these ropes, you're all dead!" I screamed.

They poured water on Danielle and Haerin to wake them up.

Danielle woke up choking and coughing.

"Dani! Are you hurt?" I said, which was a dumb question.

They then tossed Haerin and Danielle next to me and Hanni.

"Hyein.. you're helping the other side, but why?" Hanni asked.

"I'm sick of you all. Especially you, Kang Haerin." Hyein said.

"Wha- what did I do?" Haerin said.

"You and Cheol are always inseparable, stuck together like glue, and it makes me sick." Hyein said.

"Hyein. Don't put the blame on her, you know it's not her fault, sort yourself out!" Danielle scolded.

"We know all about your plan to get rid of us, this is the day you all die." Jungwon said. "You can change it all by handing Kim Cheol over to us."

"Fuck you," I snapped.

Jungwon's phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hm? That's so? Alright, bring them in." He said, hanging up the phone. "We've got the rest of your friends, we can keep adding to the pile if you like,"

A few minutes later, Minji and Chaewon walked in, I assumed they went to look for us and were found. Chaewon shot me a look that said "these people are no joke."

They got put next to us.

"Where is Kim Cheol?" Jungwon continued. "We're bound to find him anyways, so you may as well just tell us now."

"Guys.." Hanni said as we turned to look at her. "I think we should hand Cheol over to them."

"What are you saying?!" Minji said.

"If we don't hand him over, they'll get rid of us, and then find him afterwards. It's better if we lose less." Hanni said.

"You don't know that." I said.

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