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(6 months ago)

"Did you really think your little costume would help you win?" Jungwon said, stomping Cheol.

Each stomp got more and more angry and uncontrolled.

Cheol was left groaning on the ground, ready to give up, when he remembered his promise to Eunchae.

Cheol rolled out of the way, smacking Jungwon in the back of the leg, knocking him over.

He puts Jungwon in a headlock, with Jungwon struggling for his life.

"Uggh, LET GO!!" He screams, breaking out.

Cheol punches him in the liver, chest and face. Causing Jungwon to fall to the ground.

Cheol didn't stop there. He broke both of his arms, and continued beating him.

"CHANGHO! C-CHEOL! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! PLEASE STOP!" He begged for his life, leaning on Cheol's leg.

"You should've stopped when you were beating on Changho," Cheol said coldly.

Cheol continues to strangle Jungwon to death.

It was already getting dark, but Cheol persisted and headed back to the meet-up spot.

When he got there, nobody was around. Except a grave with his face on it.

Cheol was considered dead to the world now.

He wanted to live, but he had to do it secrecy. And to do that, he needed money.

Yeonjun was laying in his bed when he heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" He yelled, grabbing his crutches.

He hopped his way over to the door, and there stood Cheol.

"What the... Cheol? Aren't you dead?" Yeonjun said in confusion.

"Does it look like I am?" Cheol said. "Anyways, I've heard you're in need of money, otherwise you won't be able to live for much longer."

"Yeah, what are you offering?" Yeonjun said.

"Run away with me, and we can join an organisation I heard about, they pay loads."  Cheol said.

"Loads for doing what?" Yeonjun asked.

"Fighting and killing. We'll be hitmen," Cheol answered.

"Umm, ok, let's go." Yeonjun said.

"Hold on, you sure you're going to be fine with those crutches and casts?" Cheol asked.

"I'll be fine," Yeonjun said.

"State your intentions," ??? Said.

"We want to join up, and be hired and paid." Yeonjun said.

"State your names and information," ??? Said.

They filled in all the info they needed.

"Follow me."

They were brought to a huge room, filled with 100 men in uniform.

"Here, you will prove that you are worthy to join our organisation."

"What do you mean? What do we need to do?" Yeonjun asked, but they sealed the door and the men charged at them.

"Stay right here, let me handle it." Cheol said.

"Are you crazy? This is suicide!!" Yeonjun screamed, pointing his crutches at them. "Don't come any closer!"

Cheol blitzed through them all in 30 minutes.

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