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Jj starts to present the case
(This is am existing case, I will write my own once in a while. Its season 4 episode 19)

Jj shows a video on the TV screen.
"This is news footage from a movie theater. In royal, Indiana, population 2,000. Earlier tonight 19 people were killed"

"And they're sure it's arson?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah. 2 days avo the same thing happend at the local recreation center. 12 victims, no survivors."
Jj answered  she was walking around the table with the case file in her hand.

I look over at emily who just started to speak.
"I heard about that."
"Yeah. It was all over the news" I responded.
"There were some details that didn't make the news. A week and a half earlier there were some fires at a convenience store, a local restaurant. Luckily, it was after hours and no one was hurt" I felt in jj's voice that she cared deelpy about this.

"So whoever set these went from no victims to 31 in less than 2 weeks. That's a hell of an escalation."
Rossi spoke. It felt amazing to be working with him.

"Why didn't we get called in sooner?" Prentiss asked.
"The local police and fire department knew they were dealing with an arsonist, but they had no idea he'd become a killer"
Jj answered.

"Most arsonists don't. They just like setting fires." I spoke Reid followed me.
"Any deaths that occur are almost always accidental"

"31 victims is not an accident" Morgan said to us.
"The police chief knows he made a mistake. And he learned the hard way. That eventho though not all arsonists are killers, they do have one thing In common. Once they start, they can't stop" hotch spoke.

"Guess there is no time to get to know eachother" I say as we all got up.

"Let's go kid ill drive you to the jet" Rossi said to me. I didnt know where to drive too yet so.
I put my to go bag I'm his car.
"So update me"
"Up date you on what?" I ask confused.
"Your live. The last time I saw you, you weren't doing great"
"That's bc I was high" I laughed.
"Still with that boy Jackson?" He asked.
"Nope, he was an abuse piece of shit. And stalked me so I had to run across to country" Rossi looks serious at me.
"How els did I have to explain?" I asked.
He puts his eyes back on the road.
"Explain this to me. Last time I saw you, you were 20. How did you get 3 PhD's in 4 years" he asked.
"Technically I already had 1. But well idk apparently I'm pretty smart" I smile at him again.
"I contacted my mom" I let out.
"How did that go" he asked.

"Not great. But she seems to care for me now so. I still can't forgive her Tho . She didn't do anything when my dad was drunk or when he send me away. She's also to blame for that."
We arrived at the jet.
"I'm proud of you. Getting your live together, and look at you now. An inpowering young person"
I smile at rossi
"One question, when did youvget out of retirement?" I ask him.
"When gideon quit"
"What?! Since when did he quit?!"
Rossi laughed at me and we get on the jet.

I got handed a case file almost immediately.
I look through it. And so does everybody else.
I take a random seat.

"Based on the limited population of Royal, the unsub is most likely a local male between the ages of 17 and 30."
Reid spoke.

"What, arson is a sexist industry?" I hear penelope say from the computer.
"You'll get used to her" Rossi said to me.
"Well technically she isn't worng" I spoke.
"For the most part yea. Only 12% of the arsonists are female"  Spencer said.
"Actually it's 11.8%" I corrected him.
The whole team looks at me.
"You can look it up"
Morgan grabbed his phone.
"Hell yea, y/l/n is right! I've been waiting for someone to one up this guy"  Morgan gave me a high five and I laughed .

"Apparently women just aren't inclined to burn things" Prentiss says towards penelope. I can't stop looking at her face.

We continued going over the case.
We still had some time on the jet.

"So y/n tell us more about yourself" jj said.
"Sure but I also want to know about you guys. Agent hotchner you have a son right? I saw a picture in your office" Aaron smiles at the thought of his son.
"Yes his names Jack. He's 4. And y/n you can call me hotch, everyone does" he said with a smile.
"Anyone els have kids?" I ask.
"Actually just back from maternity leave. By Just I mean It's been a little while Actually" jj said.
"Oww do you have a picture"
She shows me a picture of her son.
"His name is henry"
I smile at the picture.
"Do you want kids y/n?" Jj asked.
"I'm not sure actually. I love kids I absolutely adore them. But I don't want to be pregnant. I know there are other ways. Just not sure it's in the cards for me"

"Ow ig it's my turn now to say something about myself" I laugh awkwardly.

"I grew in california but I'm actually from the Netherlands. I was born there and so was my mom"
"So you speak Dutch?" Spencer asked.

"Ja ik spreek Nederlands, maar ook Frans and Duits" I said In Dutch.

"I have no idea what you just said." Rossi and it made me laugh.
"Yes I speak Dutch but also French and German"
The team went 'aaa' as they now understood what I said.
"Y/n can I ask something?" Reid said.

"Ask away pretty boy" I say way to confident.

Spencer was flusterd.
"Damn you just shooting your shot aren't you" Derek said teasing.
"After waiting patently to take the shot and hitting bullseye so much. I decided to just shoot wild with my luck" he laughed at me
"Okay we are friends" and gave me another high five.
"What did you want to ask Spencer?" I redirect my attention again.
"What's your iq?" He asked.

"Pretty boy is scared of competition" Derek said teasing again.
" I never got my iq tested so idk"
I answer him honestly.
I look over and see emily is not participating in the conversation.
"Hey gorgeous women over there who's looking all lonely. Why don't you tell me about yourself"
Emily joins us.
"Shooting your shot again?" She asked.

"Ow definitely" I smile back.
"What do you want to know?" She asked
"Idk what do you want to tell me?" I returned a question.
"I'm not sure what to say actually" She says.
"In that case how about I make a guess. Yk a little profiling. Seeing if this old man thought me right" I give Rossi a little nudge.
"I definitely want to hear that" jj said interested.

"Try me"  emily said.

"Okay so, your a loner only relying on yourself. You trust the team enough to work together but hold your past and private life to yourself.
Your eyes tell me that you went through something though and its still affecting you now. Its probably why you won't let anyone in. You look like the type that moved around alot. I recognise it bc I myself never stayed long in the same place. Your anxious you bite your nails but you come of confident. You still don't know who you are deep down. Ow and you definitely have cat"
Everyone looks shocked.

"I thought you well" Rossi patted my back.
I didn't mention that emily definitely gave me fruit vibes.
"And you got that all from me sitting alone and my facial expressions?"
Emily asked.
"Hey we're kinda a like. It takes one to know one" I smile at her. She returns it.
"Can I profile you now?" She asks.
"Well I kinda already helped you out by saying we are alike but sure"
She smiles and starts rambling.

"Yes we are alike. Like the fact that you come of strong and badass but your an overthinker. Everytime you say something you doubt yourself if you said the right thing. You do that thing were you crack your fingers to deal with your stress. When you brought hotch coffee, it tells me you care very deeply about first impressions and what people think of you. The way you cling to rossi tells me you don't have a good relationship with your father and dave was there for you. Your also hesitant to tell us about yourself so I'm guessing there are things your ashamed of or some difficult things happend to you"

"Wow you went deep there" I respond.
"Sorry to much?" She asked.
"No its fine. You impress me emily prentiss" and that was kinda hot.
She returned the smile.

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