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I got home and cooked some food for me and emily. She arrived with a bag in her arms.
"You moving in?" I say laughing.
"No I just brought some extra clothes "
Emily walked in with a smile on her face.
"Ooo the smell of food" she puts down her bag and walks to the kitchen.

I sneak a few pictures of her as she looks at the food I made.

I send it to the group chat again.

Doctor badass:* image* couldn't help it. I had to share this beautiful sight. Sorry not Sorry.

Emily gets a plate for both of us.

Papa rossi: I finnaly get what ship means. And I ship y/n and emily!

Bau dilf: so real, I ship them too. Both dating coworkers is not allowed!

Doctor badass: actually it Is. I look at the rules, and you you can date but you jusy have to fill in paper work. And as long as you don't let your relationship effect your job, nobody can do shit about it.

Chocolate thunder: I ship both y/n and emily ( make your own ship name if you like) and y/n and Spencer.

I look up at emily as she puts a plate infront of me.
"Is the group chat saying anything?" She asked.
"Ow no nothing it's fine"
But I constantly see notifications popping up.

I ignored it and just spent dinner with emily.
"Hey is everything okay? Your so quiet?"
I look down at my empty plate.
"Today was alot. I just had an abortion, went to talk about everything that happend ro me only to fail my pshyc evaluation. To them go to a meeting to tall about that. The coffee with Spencer was a nice break. And us eating together aswell. But it's just alot! And I'm so mentally drained" I felt like crying again.
Emily walked over to me with a smile.

I cant help but love her. Only I like Spencer too...
"Hey Hun, look at me. Today was alot. But you got through it. And now your allowed to rest okay? Let's get you to bed" I love how she takes care of me.

I changed in my pj's and emily tucked me in.
She gave me a kiss on my forehead.
"Did you just call me Hun?" I ask her with a grin.
"I didn't even notice, is that not okay? Ow does it give you dysmorphia?" She asked, I laughed at her concer. It was really nice tho.
"No its fine, I call you names all the time. Brown eyes" I say with a wink. Emily gets up and walks away.

I look at my phone to check texts before I go to sleep.
Alot of missed texts.
I didn't have time to read them all. But it went on ans on about ships. Like emily and jj? And Emily and Aaron?

Chocolate thunder: I wonder if y/n has pictures of us.

Doctor badass: I have pictures of all of you gorgeous human beings.

Bau goddess: Penelope is rubbing of on you. Also did I see a picture of me.

Doctor badass: sorry not Sorry 😉
Bau dilf: why is emily at your house in the first place?

Pretty boy genius: yea actually?
Chocolate thunder: ooo prettyboy is jealous.

Doctor badass: don't bully Spencer!! And em is here bc I have nightmares and can result in a ptsd attack 🙃

Baby gurl: o sugar, I wishing you better sleep xxx
Chocolate thunder: maybe y/n, Spencer and emily should start a polly relationship.

Papa rossi: im confused again.
Bau goddess: im so side chick!

Doctor badass: actually you wouldn't be a side chick bc both partners would give consent, and usually the 3 peoples (or more) are all in a relationship with eachother. So it's not like 1 person has 2 parents.
But besides that, no thanks:) I'm not poly. And I don't want to share my boo xxx

Doctor  badass: I really need sleep now before I have a mental breakdown. Goodnight guys.

I close my phone and let my body relax. Its tiring to force a smile, I'm trying to be happy so I force it but its so exhausting.

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