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*1 week later*

I did the work. I'm 18 days clean. I've admitted what happend to me. I'm a rape victim...but it doesn't define me.
I just finished my pshyc evalf.

"You made alot of progress in the past week" the shrink says to me.
"The team helped alot, especially emily" I smile while looking down. She hasn't left my side.
"Does that mean I'm cleared?" I ask him.
He smiles at me "you are cleared" I stand up exited to go back to my old life.
"But take it easy in the field. And try to use your vacation days once in awhile"
I can't hold in my excitement. I take the paper and run to the bullpen.

I see derek sitting with strauss.
"What does the bitch want?" I as the team.
"Derek is the unit chief now" emily answered me.
"Wait bc of foyet?"
Alot has happend while I was recovering.
Foyet has out a target on hotch's family.
The rest just nods.
"Well that ruined my mood" I look over at them.

"What did you want to say?" Jj asked.
"Ow I'm cleared to be in the field again"

I sew hotch walking over to them and after a few seconds derek yells.
"Guys grab rossi"
"I'm cleared to work" i yell back.
I walk up to them with my paper in hand.
"Can i" strauss takes the paper out of my hand.
"I do need a gun back" I say to her.
She inspected the paper like it could be fake.
"Fine but you won't be doing to much field work. Derek I'm sure you can keep an eye on them"
Derek jusy nodds and we both walk to the conference room.

"Fucking bitch" I whisper.
"Heard that, and I second it" Penelope said to us before going back to her lair.
Jj told us about the case, it was petty weird that derek is the leader now. But he's great at it so.

The case was about some prostitutes getting killed so the police didn't care much about it.
"I hate that people don't care about them jusy bc of their life style. Most prostitutes didn't exactly choose to end up this way, but just want to make a living" I told the team.

"Exactly they are still people!" Penelope walked in.

I look confused to why she was with us in the conference room.
"There is some tech involved so Penelope is going to work in the field with us"
I look up exited.

"Wheels up"
We all get up drive to the jet.

We sit down and I give penelope a blanket.
"Cookies?" She asked.
"Ooo yess you freaking goddess" I take one ans penelope smiles at me.
"I thought I was your goddess?" Emily said with her arms crossed.
"Ooo are you jealous?" I said teasing.

"Guys focus" derek wanted to go over the case again.

"Here take my noise cancelling headphones, I'm sure you don't want to hear about the gross things" I give them to penelope.
She smiles at me and gives me another cookie.

We went over the case. 5 prostitutes are dead in the passed week, all with ther private parts mutilated.
It was a bit trigger for me to see.
"Where they raped?" I ask jj.
"The m.i hasn't finished the exams yet but it's difficult to tell. They are so mutilated, ans of seman is found it could be from a client" she answered back.

I saw emily looking at me to make sure I'm okay.

We continued to talk about the case for a little while.
" I just booked the hotel. Some of us are going to have to share a room. And 1 pare has to share a bed" jj said to us.

"Y/n and I are fine to share a bed, you okay with that?" Emily asked. I loved that she dubble checked with me, eventho was already slept next to eachother.
"Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea I share a room with anybody els anyway. Plus emily is a nice roomy" I smile at her.

"Still having nightmares?" Rossi asked. "Yep, they either result in a panic attack or a full on ptsd attack"

"Didn't your therapist prescribed anything?" Hotch asked.
"She wanted to, but I'm kind of scared of taking medication and risking another  addiction/ relapse. So I just do therapy" I answered him.

"So about the rooms. Emily and y/n share a bed. I'll share with penelope?" Jj asked.
"Oo yes! So fun"

"I'll share with reid" Derek said. Spencer gave him a nodd.

"Then rossi and hotch get the separate rooms"
"Thank god, I dont want to share with anyone of you" Rossi said relieved.
"Ouch, dad!" I faked, I say dad as a joke but actually it doesn't feel so weird to call him that.

"Not you, moi bambino." I smile at him.
"Do you just call me your kid?" I blush a little.
"You never called me 'your kid'"
"I have!" Rossi said.

"Nope, you just call me kid. Not 'your kid' "
"Your all my kids"
It felt nice that he called me his kid. Rossi is really like a father to me.

We had a long day in the very hot Texas.
"I need food" I groind.
"We can go to a restaurant, ill pay" Rossi said. Ofc he pays.

"Omg yes, we haven't had dinner in so long! I mean together." Penelope was exited.
Hotch looked a little down so I decide to talk to him in the car.
"Hey is there something you want to talk about? You look a little down"
Emily and Derek where in the back.

"Yea I noticed it too. You okay man?" Derek asked.
"Yeah it's nothing"
I give him a concernd look. Hotch is difficult to read but something was definitely going on.
"When I said that, I was getting high" I give him a sturn look. He returned it. Emily laughed jn the back .

"Okay thank you!" I got a High give from her.
" I'm just worried about haley and Jack."

"They are safe, in witness protected. We will get foyet back in prison. And you and your family will be safe. And them I can finnaly meet little jack"
I Try to make hotch feel better, but the situation isn't ideal. I wasn't there when he got stabbed. But I get the fear. Eventho John is in prison, I'm scared everyday.

"You never met jack?" Emily asked.
"No, I haven't even met jj's husband or Henry. Life has been crazy yk" I laugh awkwardly.
"How is your first day back?" Derek asked.
I turn around to face emily and derek.
"Crazy first case to be back" and it immediately involves rape.

We all have a nice dinner before me and emily go to our room together.

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